- d'Alembert's Equation
- d'Alembert Ratio Test
- d'Alembert's Solution
- d'Alembert's Theorem
- d'Alembertian
- d-Analog
- D-Number
- d'Ocagne's Identity
- D-Statistic
- D-Triangle
- Dagger
- Daisy
- Damped Exponential Cosine Integral
- Damped Harmonic Motion
- Damped Harmonic Oscillator
- Damped Simple Harmonic Motion
- Damped Simple Harmonic Motion--Critical Damping
- Damped Simple Harmonic Motion--Overdamping
- Damped Simple Harmonic Motion--Underdamping
- Damped Simple Harmonic Oscillator
- Dandelin Spheres
- Danielson-Lanczos Lemma
- Danzer Configuration
- Danzer Graph
- Darboux Cubic
- Darboux's Formula
- Darboux Integral
- Darboux Problem
- Darboux-Stieltjes Integral
- Darboux Vector
- Darling's Products
- Dart
- Dart Graph
- Darwin-de Sitter Spheroid
- Darwin's Expansions
- Data Cube
- Data Structure
- Database
- Daubechies Wavelet Filter
- Davenport Constant
- Davenport-Schinzel Sequence
- Davey-Stewartson Equations
- Dawson's Function
- Dawson's Integral
- DawsonF
- dc
- de Bruijn Constant
- de Bruijn Diagram
- de Bruijn-Erdős Theorem
- de Bruijn Graph
- de Bruijn-Newman Constant
- de Bruijn Sequence
- de Bruijn's Theorem
- de Finetti Diagram
- de Grey Graphs
- de Grey-Haugstrup Graphs
- de Gua's Theorem
- de la Loubere's Method
- de Longchamps Circle
- de Longchamps Ellipse
- de Longchamps Line
- de Longchamps Point
- de Méré's Problem
- de Moivre's Identity
- de Moivre-Laplace Theorem
- de Moivre Number
- de Moivre's Quintic
- de Morgan's and Bertrand's Test
- de Morgan's Duality Law
- de Morgan's Laws
- de Polignac's Conjecture
- de Rham Cohomology
- de Rham's Function
- de Sluze Conchoid
- de Sluze Pearls
- de Villiers Points
- Dead Variable
- Debye's Asymptotic Representation
- Debye Functions
- Decad
- Decade
- Decagon
- Decagonal Number
- Decagram
- Decahedral Graph
- Decahedron
- Decanting Problem
- Decic Surface
- Decidable
- Decillion
- Decimal
- Decimal Code
- Decimal Comma
- Decimal Expansion
- Decimal Period
- Decimal Point
- Decision Problem
- Decision Theory
- Deck Transformation
- Decomposable
- Decomposable Continuum
- Decomposition
- Deconvolution
- Decreasing Function
- Decreasing Sequence
- Decreasing Series
- Dedekind's Axiom
- Dedekind Cut
- Dedekind Domain
- Dedekind Eta Function
- Dedekind Function
- Dedekind Number
- Dedekind's Problem
- Dedekind Ring
- Dedekind Section
- Dedekind Sum
- DedekindEta
- Deducible
- Deduction
- Deduction Theorem
- Deep Theorem
- Defective Matrix
- Defective Number
- Deficiency
- Deficient Number
- Definable Set
- Defined
- Definite Integral
- Definition
- Deformation Retract
- Degen's Eight-Square Identity
- Degeneracy
- Degenerate
- Degree
- Degree-Diameter Problem
- Degree Matrix
- Degree of Freedom
- Degree Sequence
- Degree Set
- Dehn Invariant
- Dehn's Lemma
- Dehn Surgery
- Dejter Graph
- Del
- Del Bar Operator
- Delambre's Analogies
- Delannoy Number
- Delaunay Triangulation
- Delay Differential Equation
- Delboeuf Illusion
- Deletable Prime
- DeleteDuplicates
- Delian Constant
- Delian Problem
- Delsarte Bound
- Delsarte Clique
- Delsarte Graph
- Delta Amplitude
- Delta Curve
- Delta Function
- Delta Operator
- Delta-Ring
- Delta Sequence
- Delta Variation
- Deltahedron
- Deltohedron
- Deltoid
- Deltoid Catacaustic
- Deltoid Evolute
- Deltoid Involute
- Deltoid Pedal Curve
- Deltoid Radial Curve
- Deltoidal Hexecontahedral Graph
- Deltoidal Hexecontahedron
- Deltoidal Icositetrahedral Graph
- Deltoidal Icositetrahedron
- Deltoidal Icositetrahedron Stellations
- Demi-Cube
- Demi-Cube Graph
- Demicube
- Demicube Graph
- Demiregular Tessellation
- Demlo Number
- Dendrite
- Dendrite Fractal
- Denjoy Integral
- Denjoy-Saks-Young Theorem
- Denominator
- Dense
- Density Function
- Denumerable Set
- Denumerably Infinite
- Dependent Percolation
- Dependent Variable
- Depth
- Depth-First Traversal
- Derangement
- Derangement Number
- Derivation
- Derivation Algebra
- Derivative
- Derivative Following the Motion
- Derivative Graph
- Derivative Test
- Derived Graph
- Derived Group
- Derived Polygon
- Derived Set
- Dervish
- Desargues Configuration
- Desargues Graph
- Desargues' Theorem
- Descartes Circle Theorem
- Descartes-Euler Polyhedral Formula
- Descartes Folium
- Descartes' Formula
- Descartes Ovals
- Descartes' Sign Rule
- Descartes Snarks
- Descartes Total Angular Defect
- Descending Chain Condition
- Descending Plane Partition
- Descriptive Geometry
- Descriptive Set Theory
- Desert Problem
- Design
- Design Theory
- Desmic Configuration
- Desmic Mate
- Desmic Surface
- Destructive Dilemma
- Det
- Determinant
- Determinant Expansion by Minors
- Determinant Identities
- Determinant Theorem
- Determined by Chromatic Polynomial
- Determined by Spectrum
- Deterministic
- Detour Index
- Detour Matrix
- Detour Polynomial
- Developable Surface
- Development
- Deviation
- Devil's Curve
- Devil's Needle Puzzle
- Devil on Two Sticks
- Devil's Pitchfork
- Devil's Staircase
- Diabolic Square
- Diabolical Cube
- Diabolical Square
- Diabolo
- Diacaustic
- Diafix
- Diagonal
- Diagonal Block Matrix
- Diagonal Intersection Graph
- Diagonal Magic Cube
- Diagonal Matrix
- Diagonal Metric
- Diagonal Paradox
- Diagonal Points
- Diagonal Quadratic Form
- Diagonal Ramsey Number
- Diagonal Slash
- Diagonal Triangle
- Diagonalizable Matrix
- DiagonalizableMatrixQ
- Diagonalization
- Diagonally Dominant Matrix
- Diagonally Magic Square
- DiagonalMatrixQ
- Diagonals Problem
- Diagram
- Diagram Chasing
- Diagram Lemma
- Diagrammatic Move
- Diameter
- Diamond
- Diamond Graph
- Diamond Isomorphism Theorem
- Dice
- Dichroic Polynomial
- Dichromate Polynomial
- Dickman Function
- Dicone
- Dictionary Order
- Dido's Problem
- Diesis
- Diffeomorphic
- Diffeomorphism
- Difference
- Difference-Differential Equation
- Difference Equation
- Difference of Successes
- Difference Plot
- Difference Quotient
- Difference Set
- Difference Set Order
- Difference Table
- DifferenceDelta
- Different
- Different Prime Factors
- Differentiable
- Differentiable Manifold
- Differentiable Structure
- Differential
- Differential Algebra
- Differential-Algebraic Equation
- Differential Calculus
- Differential Delay Equation
- Differential Entropy
- Differential Equation
- Differential Equation Symmetry
- Differential Evolution
- Differential Form
- Differential Geometry
- Differential Ideal
- Differential k-Form
- Differential Operator
- Differential Topology
- Differentiating Under the Integral Sign
- Differentiation
- Differentiation Under the Integral Sign
- Diffie-Hellman Protocol
- Diffy Q
- Digamma Function
- Digimetic
- Digit
- Digit Block
- Digit Count
- Digit-Extraction Algorithm
- Digit Product
- Digit-Shifting Constants
- Digit Sum
- Digitaddition
- Digitaddition Generator
- Digital Root
- Digon
- Digraph
- Digraph Intersection
- Digraph Sink
- Digraph Source
- Digraph Topology
- Digraph Union
- Dihedral Angle
- Dihedral Group
- Dihedral Group D_2
- Dihedral Group D_3
- Dihedral Group D_4
- Dihedral Group D_5
- Dihedral Group D_6
- Dihedral Group D_7
- Dihedral Prime
- Dihedron
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Dijkstra Tree
- Dilation
- Dilative Rotation
- Dilcher's Formula
- Dilemma
- Dilogarithm
- Dilworth's Lemma
- Dilworth's Theorem
- Dimension
- Dimension Axiom
- Dimension Invariance Theorem
- Dimensionality
- Dimensionality Theorem
- Diminished Polyhedron
- Diminished Rhombicosidodecahedron
- Ding-Dong Surface
- Dini Derivative
- Dini Expansion
- Dini's Surface
- Dini's Test
- Dini's Theorem
- Dinitz Problem
- Diocles's Cissoid
- Diophantine
- Diophantine Equation
- Diophantine Equation--2nd Powers
- Diophantine Equation--3rd Powers
- Diophantine Equation--4th Powers
- Diophantine Equation--5th Powers
- Diophantine Equation--6th Powers
- Diophantine Equation--7th Powers
- Diophantine Equation--8th Powers
- Diophantine Equation--9th Powers
- Diophantine Equation--10th Powers
- Diophantine Equation--nth Powers
- Diophantine Quadruple
- Diophantine Set
- Diophantus Property
- Diophantus's Riddle
- Dipole Graph
- Dipyramid
- Dipyramidal Graph
- Dirac Comb
- Dirac Delta Function
- Dirac Distribution
- Dirac Equation
- Dirac Gamma Matrices
- Dirac Gamma Matrix
- Dirac Matrices
- Dirac Notation
- Dirac's Theorem
- DiracDelta
- Direct Analytic Continuation
- Direct Factor
- Direct Limit
- Direct Product
- Direct Proportion
- Direct Search
- Direct Search Factorization
- Direct Sum
- Direct Summand
- Direct System
- Direct Variation
- Directed Acyclic Graph
- Directed Angle
- Directed Convex Polyomino
- Directed Graph
- Directed Infinity
- Directed Set
- Directed Strongly Regular Graph
- DirectedGraphQ
- Direction
- Direction Cosine
- Direction Field
- Direction Vector
- Directional Derivative
- Directly Proportional
- Directly Similar
- Director
- Director Curve
- Director Plane
- Dirichlet's Approximation Theorem
- Dirichlet Beta Function
- Dirichlet Boundary Conditions
- Dirichlet's Box Principle
- Dirichlet's Boxing-In Principle
- Dirichlet Character
- Dirichlet Divisor Problem
- Dirichlet Energy
- Dirichlet Eta Function
- Dirichlet's Formula
- Dirichlet Fourier Series Conditions
- Dirichlet Function
- Dirichlet Generating Function
- Dirichlet-Hardy Test
- Dirichlet Integrals
- Dirichlet Kernel
- Dirichlet L-Function
- Dirichlet L-Series
- Dirichlet Lambda Function
- Dirichlet's Lemma
- Dirichlet's Principle
- Dirichlet Problem
- Dirichlet Region
- Dirichlet Series
- Dirichlet Series Generating Function
- Dirichlet Structure Constant
- Dirichlet Tessellation
- Dirichlet's Test
- Dirichlet's Theorem
- DirichletBeta
- DirichletL
- DirichletLambda
- DirichletTransform
- Disc
- Disconnected Form
- Disconnected Graph
- Disconnected Set
- Disconnected Space
- Disconnectivity
- Discontinuity
- Discontinuous
- Discordant Permutation
- Discorectangle
- Discrepancy
- Discrepancy Theorem
- Discrete Delta
- Discrete Discrepancy
- Discrete Distribution
- Discrete Family
- Discrete Fourier Transform
- Discrete Group
- Discrete Group Algebra
- Discrete Group Theory
- Discrete Log
- Discrete Logarithm
- Discrete Math
- Discrete Mathematics
- Discrete Metric
- Discrete Percolation Theory
- Discrete Semigroup Algebra
- Discrete Set
- Discrete Space
- Discrete Spiral of Theodorus
- Discrete Theodorus Spiral
- Discrete Topology
- Discrete Uniform Distribution
- DiscreteConvolve
- Discriminant
- Disdyakis Dodecahedral Graph
- Disdyakis Dodecahedron
- Disdyakis Triacontahedral Graph
- Disdyakis Triacontahedron
- Disgraceful Graph
- Disjoint Sets
- Disjoint Union
- Disjoint Union of Graphs
- Disjunction
- Disjunctive Game
- Disjunctive Normal Form
- Disjunctive Syllogism
- Disk
- Disk Algebra
- Disk Covering Problem
- Disk-Cyclide Coordinates
- Disk Lattice Points
- Disk Line Picking
- Disk Method
- Disk Model
- Disk Packing
- Disk Point Picking
- Disk Triangle Picking
- DiskSegment
- Disks Method
- Disorder Number
- Dispersion Numbers
- Dispersion Relation
- Dispersive Long-Wave Equation
- Disphenocingulum
- Disphenoid
- Dissection
- Dissection Fallacy
- Dissection Proof
- Dissection Puzzles
- Dissipative System
- Dissymmetric
- Distance
- Distance Graph
- Distance-Hereditary Graph
- Distance k-Graph
- Distance Matrix
- Distance Polynomial
- Distance-Regular Graph
- Distance-Transitive Graph
- Distinct Prime Factorization
- Distinct Prime Factors
- Distinguishing Number
- Distribution
- Distribution Function
- Distribution Parameter
- Distributive
- Distributive Lattice
- Distributive Property
- Ditrigonal Dodecadodecahedron
- Ditrigonal Dodecahedron
- Ditrigonal Icosidodecahedral Graph
- Divergence
- Divergence Tests
- Divergence Theorem
- Divergenceless Field
- Divergent Sequence
- Divergent Series
- Divide
- Divided Difference
- Dividend
- Divides
- Divine Proportion
- Divine Section
- Divisibility Rules
- Divisibility Tests
- Divisible
- Divisible Module
- Divisible Property
- Division
- Division Algebra
- Division Bracket
- Division by Zero
- Division Lemma
- Division Ring
- Divisor
- Divisor Function
- Divisor Product
- Divisor Theory
- Divisors
- Divisorial Gonality
- DivisorSigma
- DivisorSum
- Divorce Digraph
- Dixon's Factorization Method
- Dixon-Ferrar Formula
- Dixon's Identity
- Dixon's Random Squares Factorization Method
- Dixon's Theorem
- dn
- Dobiński's Formula
- Dodecadodecahedral Graph
- Dodecadodecahedron
- Dodecagon
- Dodecagram
- Dodecahedral Conjecture
- Dodecahedral Graph
- Dodecahedral Space
- Dodecahedron
- Dodecahedron 2-Compound
- Dodecahedron 5-Compound
- Dodecahedron 6-Compound
- Dodecahedron 7-Compound
- Dodecahedron 10-Compound
- Dodecahedron 11-Compound
- Dodecahedron-Icosahedron Compound
- Dodecahedron Simum
- Dodecahedron-Small Triambic Icosahedron Compound
- Dodecahedron Stellations
- Dodecic Surface
- Dodecicosahedral Graph
- Doily of Payne
- Dollar Paradox
- Dom
- Domain
- Domain Invariance Theorem
- Domatic Number
- Domatic Partition
- Dominance
- Dominant Set
- Dominating Equivalent Graphs
- Dominating Set
- Dominating Unique Graph
- Domination Number
- Domination Polynomial
- Domination Root
- Domineering
- Domino
- Domino Graph
- Domino Problem
- Domino Tiling
- Donaldson Invariants
- Donkin's Theorem
- Donut
- Doob Graph
- Doob's Theorem
- Doppler Spiral
- Dorman-Luke Construction
- Doro Graph
- Dorogovtsev-Goltsev-Mendes Graph
- Dot
- Dot Chart
- Dot Plot
- Dot Product
- Dots and Boxes
- Dottie Number
- Dou Circle
- Douady's Rabbit Fractal
- Double
- Double-Angle Formulas
- Double-Angle Identities
- Double Bar
- Double Bubble
- Double Bubble Conjecture
- Double Cone
- Double Cone Graph
- Double Contact Theorem
- Double Contraction Relation
- Double Crescent
- Double Cube
- Double Cusp
- Double Dagger
- Double Dot
- Double Exponential Distribution
- Double Exponential Integration
- Double Factorial
- Double Factorial Prime
- Double Fan Graph
- Double Folium
- Double-Free Set
- Double Gamma Function
- Double Graph
- Double Integral
- Double Integration
- Double Mersenne Number
- Double Normal
- Double Obelisk
- Double Overdot
- Double Overhand Knot
- Double Point
- Double Prime
- Double Series
- Double Six
- Double Sixes
- Double Sphere
- Double Star Snark
- Double Sum
- Double-Toroidal Graph
- Double Torus
- Double Triangle Graph
- Double Wieferich Prime Pair
- Doubled Knot
- Doublecross Graph
- Doublestruck
- Doublet Function
- Doubly Even Number
- Doubly Magic Square
- Doubly Noncentral F-Distribution
- Doubly Nonnegative Matrix
- Doubly Periodic Function
- Doubly Ruled Surface
- Doubly Stochastic Matrix
- Doubly Truncated Witt Graph
- Dougall's Formula
- Dougall-Ramanujan Identity
- Dougall's Theorem
- Doughnut
- Douglas-Neumann Theorem
- Dovetailing Problem
- Dowker Notation
- Down Arrow Notation
- Doyle Graph
- Dozen
- Dozenal
- Dozenal Number System
- Drafter Triangle
- Dragon Curve
- Dragon Graph
- Draught
- Draughts
- Draw
- Drazin Inverse
- Drehpunkt
- Drinfeld Ring
- Drinfeld-Sokolov-Wilson Equation
- Drinfeld's Symmetric Space
- Drive
- Droussent Cubic
- Droz-Farny Circles
- Droz-Farny Line Theorem
- Droz-Farny Theorem
- Drum
- ds
- DSolve
- Dt
- du Bois-Reymond Constants
- Dual Basis
- Dual Bivector
- Dual Bundle
- Dual Graph
- Dual Map
- Dual Normed Space
- Dual Number
- Dual Polyhedron
- Dual Scalar
- Dual Solid
- Dual Space
- Dual Tensor
- Dual Tessellation
- Dual Vector Space
- Dual Voting
- Duality Law
- Duality Principle
- Duality Theorem
- Duel
- Duffing Differential Equation
- Dumbbell Curve
- Dummy Variable
- Duodecillion
- Duodecimal
- Duodecimal Code
- Duodecimal Expansion
- Dupin's Cyclide
- Dupin's Indicatrix
- Dupin's Theorem
- Duplication of the Cube
- Durand's Rule
- Dürer's Conchoid
- Dürer Folium
- Dürer Graph
- Dürer's Magic Square
- Dürer's Shell Curve
- Dürer's Solid
- Durfee Polynomial
- Durfee Square
- Dutch Windmill Graph
- Dvoretzky's Theorem
- Dyad
- Dyadic
- Dyakis Hexecontahedron
- Dyck Graph
- Dyck Language
- Dyck Path
- Dyck's Surface
- Dyck's Theorem
- Dye's Theorem
- Dyet
- Dymaxion
- Dynamical System
- Dynkin Diagram
- Dyson's Conjecture
- Dyson Mod 27 Identities