The Dirichlet beta function is defined by the sum
is the Lerch transcendent. The beta function
can be written in terms of the Hurwitz zeta function
![beta(x)=1/(4^x)[zeta(x,1/4)-zeta(x,3/4)].](/images/equations/DirichletBetaFunction/NumberedEquation1.svg) |
The beta function can be defined over the whole complex
plane using analytic continuation,
is the gamma function.
The Dirichlet beta function is implemented in the Wolfram
Language as DirichletBeta[x].
The beta function can be evaluated directly special forms of arguments as
is an Euler number.
Particular values for
is Catalan's constant and
is the polygamma
function. For
, 3, 5, ...,
, where the multiples are 1/4, 1/32, 5/1536, 61/184320,
... (OEIS A046976 and A053005).
It is involved in the integral
![int_0^1int_0^1([-ln(xy)]^s)/(1+x^2y^2)dxdy=Gamma(s+2)beta(s+2)](/images/equations/DirichletBetaFunction/NumberedEquation3.svg) |
(Guillera and Sondow 2005).
Rivoal and Zudilin (2003) proved that at least one of the seven numbers
, and
is irrational.
The derivative
can also be computed analytically at a number of integer values of
(OEIS A133922, A113847, and A078127), where
is Catalan's constant,
is the gamma function, and
is the Euler-Mascheroni
A nice sum involving
is given by
![sum_(k=1)^inftyln[((4k+1)^(1/(4k+1)^n))/((4k-1)^(1/(4k-1)^n))]=-beta^'(n)](/images/equations/DirichletBetaFunction/NumberedEquation4.svg) |
a positive integer.
See also
Catalan's Constant,
Dirichlet Eta Function,
Dirichlet Lambda Function,
Hurwitz Zeta Function,
Lerch Transcendent,
Zeta Function,
Sierpiński Constant,
Zeta Function
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Dirichlet Beta Function
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Weisstein, Eric W. "Dirichlet Beta Function."
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