The set of roots of a polynomial . An algebraic surface is said
to be of degree
is the maximum sum of powers of all terms
. The following table lists the names
of algebraic surfaces of a given degree.
Algebraic Surface
See also
Barth Decic, Barth Sextic, Boy Surface, Cayley Cubic, Chair Surface, Chmutov Surface, Clebsch Diagonal Cubic, Cushion Surface, Dervish, Endraß Octic, Heart Surface, Henneberg's Minimal Surface, Kummer Surface, Labs Septic, Roman Surface, Sarti Dodecic, Surface, Togliatti SurfaceExplore with Wolfram|Alpha
Banchoff, T. F. "Computer Graphics Tools for Rendering Algebraic Surfaces and for Geometry of Order." In Geometric Analysis and Computer Graphics: Proceedings of a Workshop Held May 23-25, 1988 (Eds. P. Concus, R. Finn, D. A. Hoffman). New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 31-37, 1991.Beutel, E. Algebraische Kurven. Leipzig, Germany: Teubner, 1909.Fischer, G. (Ed.). Mathematische Modelle aus den Sammlungen von Universitäten und Museen, Kommentarband. Braunschweig, Germany: Vieweg, p. 7, 1986.Hauser, H. "Gallery of Singular Algebraic Surfaces." on Wolfram|Alpha
Algebraic SurfaceCite this as:
Weisstein, Eric W. "Algebraic Surface." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.