A self-intersecting minimal surface which can be generated using the Enneper-Weierstrass
parameterization with
and taking the real part give
then gives the implicit form
-6[((y^2-x^2))/(4z)-1/4(x^2+y^2+8/9z^2)+2/9]^2=0,](/images/equations/EnnepersMinimalSurface/NumberedEquation1.svg) |
so Enneper's minimal surface is algebraic of order 9.
The coefficients of the first fundamental form
the second fundamental form coefficients
and the Gaussian and mean
curvatures are
gives the figure above, with parametrization
(do Carmo 1986, Gray 1997). In this parameterization, the coefficients of the first fundamental form are
the second fundamental form coefficients
the area element is
and the Gaussian and mean
curvatures are
See also
Chen-Gackstatter Surfaces,
Enneper-Weierstrass Parameterization
Explore with Wolfram|Alpha
Dickson, S. "Minimal Surfaces." Mathematica J. 1, 38-40, 1990.do Carmo, M. P. "Enneper's Surface."
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R. A
Survey of Minimal Surfaces. New York: Dover, p. 65, 87, and 143, 1986.
Wolfram Research, Inc. "Mathematica Version 2.0 Graphics Gallery."
Cite this as:
Weisstein, Eric W. "Enneper's Minimal Surface."
From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. https://mathworld.wolfram.com/EnnepersMinimalSurface.html
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