- R
- OverscriptBox[R, _]
- R^*
- R^-
- R^+
- R-Algebra
- R-Category
- R-Content
- R-Estimate
- R Graph
- R-Module
- Raabe's Test
- Rabbit Constant
- Rabbit-Duck Illusion
- Rabbit Fractal
- Rabbit Sequence
- Rabdology
- Rabin's Compression Theorem
- Rabin-Miller Strong Pseudoprime Test
- Rabinovich-Fabrikant Equation
- Racah 6j-Symbol
- Racah Polynomial
- Racah V-Coefficient
- Racah W-Coefficient
- Radau Quadrature
- Rademacher Function
- Radial Curve
- Radial Function
- Radial Line
- Radial Point
- Radian
- Radiant Point
- Radiation Symbol Theorem
- Radical
- Radical Axis
- Radical Center
- Radical Circle
- Radical Denesting
- Radical Integer
- Radical Line
- Radical Root
- Radicand
- Radio Labeling
- Radio Number
- Radius
- Radius of Convergence
- Radius of Curvature
- Radius of Gyration
- Radius of Torsion
- Radius Vector
- Radix
- Rado's Sigma Function
- Radon Measure
- Radon-Nikodym Derivative
- Radon-Nikodym Theorem
- Radon's Theorem
- Radon Transform
- Radon Transform--Cylinder
- Radon Transform--Delta Function
- Radon Transform--Gaussian
- Radon Transform--Square
- Railroad Track Problem
- Ramanujan 6-10-8 Identity
- Ramanujan's AGM Continued Fraction
- Ramanujan chi-Function
- Ramanujan Constant
- Ramanujan Continued Fractions
- Ramanujan Cos/Cosh Identity
- Ramanujan-Eisenstein Series
- Ramanujan f-Function
- Ramanujan's Formula
- Ramanujan g- and G-Functions
- Ramanujan's Hypergeometric Identity
- Ramanujan's Hypothesis
- Ramanujan's Identity
- Ramanujan's Integral
- Ramanujan's Interpolation Formula
- Ramanujan Log-Trigonometric Integrals
- Ramanujan's Master Theorem
- Ramanujan-Nagell Equation
- Ramanujan phi-Function
- Ramanujan Prime
- Ramanujan Prize
- Ramanujan psi-Function
- Ramanujan Psi Sum
- Ramanujan-Soldner Constant
- Ramanujan's Square Equation
- Ramanujan's Sum
- Ramanujan's Sum Identity
- Ramanujan's Tau Dirichlet Series
- Ramanujan's Tau Function
- Ramanujan Theta Functions
- RamanujanTau
- RamanujanTauL
- RamanujanTauTheta
- RamanujanTauZ
- Ramification Index
- Ramp
- Ramp Function
- Ramphoid Cusp
- Ramsey Number
- Ramsey's Theorem
- Ramsey Theory
- Randelbrot Set
- Randić Energy
- Randić Index
- Randić Matrix
- Random Close Packing
- Random-Cluster Model
- Random Composition
- Random-Connection Model
- Random Closed Set
- Random Distribution
- Random Dot Stereogram
- Random Ellipsoid Packing
- Random Fibonacci Sequence
- Random Graph
- Random Matrix
- Random Number
- Random Partition
- Random Permutation
- Random Polygon
- Random Polynomial
- Random Sphere Packing
- Random Tableau
- Random Variable
- Random Variate
- Random Walk
- Random Walk--1-Dimensional
- Random Walk--2-Dimensional
- Random Walk--3-Dimensional
- Random Young Tableau
- Range
- Rank
- Rank Matrix
- Rank-Nullity Theorem
- Rank Polynomial
- Rank Test
- Ranunculoid
- Rapid Rumor Ramification
- Rascal Triangle
- RAT-Free Set
- Ratio
- Ratio Distribution
- Ratio of Magnification
- Ratio Test
- Rational Amicable Pair
- Rational Approximation
- Rational Canonical Form
- Rational Cuboid
- Rational Diagonal
- Rational Distance Problem
- Rational Distances
- Rational Domain
- Rational Double Point
- Rational Function
- Rational Integer
- Rational Number
- Rational Point
- Rational Polynomial
- Rational Polynomial Function
- Rational Quadrilateral
- Rational Root Theorem
- Rational Spiral
- Rational Triangle
- Rational Zero Theorem
- Rationals
- RATS Sequence
- Raw Moment
- Ray
- Rayleigh Differential Equation
- Rayleigh Distribution
- Rayleigh's Formulas
- Rayleigh Function
- Rayleigh-Ritz Variational Technique
- Rayleigh's Theorem
- Rayleigh Wave Equation
- Re
- Reaching Algorithm
- Real Analysis
- Real Analytic Function
- Real Axis
- Real Function
- Real Line
- Real Matrix
- Real Measure
- Real Normed Algebra
- Real Number
- Real Number Picking
- Real Numbers
- Real Part
- Real Polynomial
- Real Projective Plane
- Real Quadratic Field
- Real-Valued Function
- Real Variable
- Real Vector
- Real Vector Space
- Realizer
- Reals
- Rearrangement Prime Pair
- Rearrangement Theorem
- Recamán's Sequence
- Reciprocal
- Reciprocal Conjugation
- Reciprocal Curve
- Reciprocal Difference
- Reciprocal Fibonacci Constant
- Reciprocal Lucas Constant
- Reciprocal Matrix
- Reciprocal Multifactorial Constant
- Reciprocal Permutation
- Reciprocal Polyhedron
- Reciprocal Polynomial
- Reciprocal Prime Constant
- Reciprocal Proportion Triangle
- Reciprocating Sphere
- Reciprocation
- Reciprocity Law
- Reciprocity Theorem
- Recognize
- Recontres Number
- Recontres Problem
- Record Setting
- Rectangle
- Rectangle Function
- Rectangle Squaring
- Rectangle Tiling
- Rectangular Coordinates
- Rectangular Cuboid
- Rectangular Distribution
- Rectangular Hyperbola
- Rectangular Matrix
- Rectangular Parallelepiped
- Rectangular Projection
- Rectellipse
- Rectifiable Current
- Rectifiable Set
- Rectification
- Rectifying Latitude
- Rectifying Plane
- Rectilinear Crossing Number
- Rectilinear Local Crossing Number
- Rectilinear Projection
- Recurrence Equation
- Recurrence Formula
- Recurrence Plot
- Recurrence Relation
- Recurrence Relation Signature
- Recurrence Sequence
- RecurrenceTable
- Recurring Decimal
- Recurring Digital Invariant
- Recursion
- Recursion Theorem
- Recursive Function
- Recursive Monotone Stable Quadrature
- Recursive Sequence
- Recursive Set
- Recursively Enumerable Set
- Recursively Isomorphic
- Recursively Undecidable
- Red-Black Tree
- Red Net
- Redheffer Matrix
- Reduce
- Reduced Amicable Pair
- Reduced Binary Quadratic Form
- Reduced Echelon Form
- Reduced Fraction
- Reduced Knot Diagram
- Reduced Latitude
- Reduced Maxwell-Bloch Equations
- Reduced Residue System
- Reduced Root System
- Reduced Row Echelon Form
- Reduced Whitehead Group
- Reducible
- Reducible Crossing
- Reducible Fraction
- Reducible Matrix
- Reducible Representation
- Reductio ad Absurdum
- Reduction of Order
- Reduction Order
- Reduction System
- Reduction Theorem
- Redundancy
- Reeb Component
- Reeb Foliation
- Reebless
- Reeds-Sloane Algorithm
- Reef Knot
- Rees Module
- Rees Ring
- Refactorable Number
- Reference Polynomial
- Reference Triangle
- Refined Alternating Sign Matrix Conjecture
- Refinement
- Reflection
- Reflection Circle
- Reflection Formula
- Reflection Property
- Reflection Relation
- Reflection Triangle
- Reflex Angle
- Reflexible
- Reflexible Map
- Reflexive
- Reflexive Closure
- Reflexive Graph
- Reflexive Reduction
- Reflexive Space
- Reflexivity
- Regge Calculus
- Region
- Register Machine
- RegionMeasure
- Regression
- Regression Coefficient
- Regression to the Mean
- Regula Falsi
- Regular Borel Measure
- Regular Continued Fraction
- Regular Decagon
- Regular Dodecagon
- Regular Dodecahedron
- Regular Expression
- Regular Function
- Regular Graph
- Regular Hendecagon
- Regular Heptagon
- Regular Hexagon
- Regular Icosahedron
- Regular Isotopy
- Regular Isotopy Invariant
- Regular Local Ring
- Regular Matrix
- Regular Nonagon
- Regular Number
- Regular Octagon
- Regular Octahedron
- Regular Paperfolding Sequence
- Regular Parameterization
- Regular Patch
- Regular Pentagon
- Regular Point
- Regular Polychoron
- Regular Polygon
- Regular Polygon Diagonal Intersection Graph
- Regular Polygon Division by Diagonals
- Regular Polyhedron
- Regular Prime
- Regular Pyramid
- Regular Ring
- Regular Sequence
- Regular Singular Point
- Regular Singularity
- Regular Skew Polyhedron
- Regular Space
- Regular Surface
- Regular Tessellation
- Regular Tetradecagon
- Regular Tetrahedron
- Regular Tetrakaidecagon
- Regular Triangle Center
- Regular Tridecagon
- Regular Triskaidecagon
- Regular Undecagon
- Regularity Axiom
- Regularity Lemma
- Regularity Theorem
- Regularized Beta Function
- Regularized Gamma Function
- Regularized Hypergeometric Function
- Regularized Long-Wave Equation
- Regulator
- Regulus
- Reidemeister Moves
- Reidemeister's Theorem
- Reidemeister Torsion
- Reinhardt Domain
- Related Rates Problem
- Relation
- Relation Matrix
- Relational Product
- Relational System
- Relative Cumulative Frequency
- Relative Degree
- Relative Deviation
- Relative Entropy
- Relative Error
- Relative Extremum
- Relative Frequency
- Relative Maximum
- Relative Minimum
- Relative Rate of Change
- Relative Topology
- Relatively Prime
- Relaxation Methods
- Reliability Polynomial
- Remainder
- Remainder Theorem
- Rembs' Surface
- Remes Algorithm
- Remez Algorithm
- Remez Exchange Algorithm
- Removable Crossing
- Removable Discontinuity
- Removable Singularity
- Rencontres Number
- Rendezvous Values
- Rényi Entropy
- Rényi Information
- Rényi's Parking Constants
- Rényi's Polynomial
- Rep-Tile
- Reparameterization
- Reparametrization
- Repartition
- Repdigit
- Repeated Fraction
- Repeated Integral
- Repeated Logarithm
- Repeated Root
- Repeating Decimal
- Repfigit Number
- Replicate
- Replicating Symbol
- Representation Tensor Product
- Representative Graph
- Represented As
- Reptend Prime
- Reptile
- Repunit
- Repunit Prime
- Residual
- Residual Entropy for Square Ice
- Residual Set
- Residual vs. Predictor Plot
- Residue
- Residue Class
- Residue Field
- Residue Index
- Residue System
- Residue Theorem
- Resistance Distance
- Resistance-Equivalent Graphs
- Resistor Network
- Resolution
- Resolution Class
- Resolution Modulus
- Resolution Principle
- Resolvable
- Resolve
- Resolvent Cubic
- Resolving Tree
- Resonance Overlap
- Resonance Overlap Method
- Restricted Divisor Function
- Restricted Growth Function
- Restricted Growth String
- Resultant
- Retardance
- Retract
- Retraction
- Reuleaux Polygon
- Reuleaux Tetrahedron
- Reuleaux Triangle
- Reuleaux Wheel
- Reve's Puzzle
- Reverend Back's Abbey Floor
- Reversal
- Reversal Paradox
- Reverse Greedy Algorithm
- Reverse Polish Notation
- Reverse-Then-Add Sequence
- Reversible Goblet
- Reversible Knot
- Reversible Prime
- Reversion of Series
- Reversion to the Mean
- Revolving Door Conjecture
- Revrepfigit Number
- Rewriting System
- Reye Configuration
- Reye Graph
- Reynolds Theorem
- Reynolds Transport Theorem
- Reznick's Identity
- Rhind Papyrus
- Rhodonea
- Rhomb
- Rhombic Dodecahedral Graph
- Rhombic Dodecahedral Number
- Rhombic Dodecahedron
- Rhombic Dodecahedron Stellations
- Rhombic Enneacontahedron
- Rhombic Hexecontahedron
- Rhombic Icosahedron
- Rhombic Polyhedron
- Rhombic Spirallohedron
- Rhombic Triacontahedral Graph
- Rhombic Triacontahedron
- Rhombic Triacontahedron Stellations
- Rhombicosacron
- Rhombicosahedral Graph
- Rhombicosahedron
- Rhombicosidodecahedron
- Rhombicuboctahedron
- Rhombidodecadodecahedron
- Rhombitruncated Cuboctahedron
- Rhombitruncated Icosidodecahedron
- Rhombo-Hexagonal Dodecahedron
- Rhombo-Trapezoidal Dodecahedron
- Rhombohedron
- Rhomboid
- Rhomboidal Dodecahedron
- Rhombotrapezoidal Dodecahedron
- Rhombus
- Rhombus Algorithm
- Rhonda Number
- Rhumb Line
- Ribbon Knot
- Ribet's Theorem
- Riccati-Bessel Functions
- Riccati Differential Equation
- Ricci Curvature
- Ricci Curvature Tensor
- Ricci Flow
- Ricci Scalar
- Ricci Tensor
- Rice Distribution
- Rice's Theorem
- Richard's Paradox
- Richardson Effect
- Richardson Extrapolation
- Richardson's Theorem
- Riddell's Formula
- Ridders' Method
- Ridge
- Riemann-Christoffel Curvature Tensor
- Riemann-Christoffel Tensor
- Riemann Curvature Tensor
- Riemann Curve Theorem
- Riemann Differential Equation
- Riemann Formula
- Riemann Function
- Riemann-Hurwitz Formula
- Riemann Hypothesis
- Riemann Integral
- Riemann's Integral Theorem
- Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma
- Riemann-Liouville Operator
- Riemann Mapping Theorem
- Riemann Method
- Riemann's Moduli Problem
- Riemann's Moduli Space
- Riemann's Nondifferentiable Function
- Riemann P-Differential Equation
- Riemann P-Function
- Riemann P-Series
- Riemann Prime Counting Function
- Riemann Prime Number Formula
- Riemann Removable Singularity Theorem
- Riemann Series Theorem
- Riemann-Siegel Formula
- Riemann-Siegel Functions
- Riemann-Siegel Integral Formula
- Riemann Space
- Riemann Sphere
- Riemann Sphere Place
- Riemann-Stieltjes Integral
- Riemann Sum
- Riemann Surface
- Riemann Tensor
- Riemann Theta Function
- Riemann-Volterra Method
- Riemann-von Mangoldt Formula
- Riemann Xi-Function
- Riemann Zeta Function
- Riemann Zeta Function Zeros
- Riemann Zeta Function zeta(2)
- Riemann Zeta Function zeta(3)
- Riemannian Geometry
- Riemannian Manifold
- Riemannian Metric
- RiemannR
- RiemannSiegelTheta
- RiemannSiegelZ
- RiemannXi
- Riesel Conjecture
- Riesel Number
- Riesel Problem
- Riesz-Fischer Theorem
- Riesz Representation Theorem
- Riesz-Schauder Theory
- Riesz's Theorem
- Riffle
- Riffle Shuffle
- Rigby Points
- Right Angle
- Right-Angled Triangle
- Right Circular Cone
- Right Circular Conoid
- Right Circular Cylinder
- Right Cone
- Right Conoid
- Right Coset
- Right Cylinder
- Right Eigenvector
- Right Half-Plane
- Right-Hand Rule
- Right-Hand Coordinate System
- Right-Handed Coordinate System
- Right Hilbert Algebra
- Right Hyperbola
- Right Ideal
- Right Inverse
- Right Isosceles Triangle
- Right Line
- Right Prism
- Right Pyramid
- Right Strophoid
- Right Strophoid Inverse Curve
- Right Transversal
- Right Trapezoid
- Right Triangle
- Rigid Circle Packing
- Rigid Framework
- Rigid Graph
- Rigid Motion
- Rigid Polyhedron
- Rigidity Matrix
- Rigidity Theorem
- Rigorous
- Ring
- Ring Cyclide
- Ring Direct Product
- Ring Extension
- Ring Function
- Ring Homomorphism
- Ring Kernel
- Ring of Fractions
- Ring of Integers
- Ring of Polynomials
- Ring Regular Sequence
- Ring Spectrum
- Ring Torus
- Ring Unit
- Ring with Identity
- Ringoid
- Risch Algorithm
- Rise
- Rising Factorial
- Rising Sun Graph
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Number
- RK2
- RK4
- R^n
- Road Coloring Problem
- Robbin's Inequality
- Robbins Algebra
- Robbins Axiom
- Robbins Conjecture
- Robbins Constant
- Robbins-Monro Stochastic Approximation
- Robbins Number
- Roberts Graph
- Robertson's Apex Graph
- Robertson Condition
- Robertson Conjecture
- Robertson Graph
- Robertson-Seymour Theorem
- Robertson-Wegner Graph
- Robin Boundary Conditions
- Robin's Theorem
- Robinson Projection
- Robust Estimation
- Rodrigues' Curvature Formula
- Rodrigues' Rotation
- Rodrigues' Rotation Formula
- Rogers L-Function
- Rogers Mod 14 Identities
- Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction
- Rogers-Ramanujan Identities
- Rogers-Selberg Identities
- Rolle's Theorem
- Roller
- Rolling Polygon
- Rolling Polyhedron
- Rolling Polyhedron Graph
- Roman Coefficient
- Roman Factorial
- Roman Numerals
- Roman Surface
- Roman Symbol
- Romberg Integration
- Roofless Polyhedron
- Rook Complement Graph
- Rook Graph
- Rook's Graph
- Rook Number
- Rook Polynomial
- Rook's Tour Graph
- Rooks Problem
- Room Square
- Root
- Root Dragging Theorem
- Root Extraction
- Root Graph
- Root Lattice
- Root Linear Coefficient Theorem
- Root-Mean-Square
- Root Node
- Root of Unity
- Root Order
- Root Separation
- Root System
- Root Test
- Root Vertex
- RootApproximant
- Rooted Graph
- Rooted Tree
- Roots
- RootSum
- Rosatti's Theorem
- Rose
- Rose Curve
- Rosenbrock's Banana Function
- Rosenbrock Function
- Rosenbrock Methods
- Rosenbrock's Valley
- Rosenfeld Number
- Rosser's Rule
- Rosser's Theorem
- Rössler Attractor
- RotateLeft
- RotateRight
- Rotating Square Illusion
- Rotation
- Rotation Formula
- Rotation Group
- Rotation Matrix
- Rotation Number
- Rotational Ellipsoid
- Rotation Operator
- Rotational Symmetry
- Roth's Removal Rule
- Roth's Theorem
- Rotkiewicz Theorem
- Rotoinversion
- Rotor
- Rotunda
- Rouché's Theorem
- Rough Number
- Roulette
- Round
- Round Angle
- Round Number
- Round Robin Tournament
- Rounded Rectangle
- Rounding
- Rounding Error
- Roundness
- Roundoff Error
- Route
- Routh-Hurwitz Theorem
- Routh's Theorem
- Row Canonical Form
- Row-Convex Polyomino
- Row Echelon Form
- Row-Reduced Echelon Form
- Row Space
- Row Vector
- RowReduce
- Roy-Floyd Algorithm
- Roy-Warshall Algorithm
- Royle Graphs
- RSA Encryption
- RSA Number
- RSolve
- Rubber-Sheet Geometry
- Rubik's Clock
- Rubik's Cube
- Rubik's Graph
- Rubik's Group
- Rudin-Shapiro Sequence
- Rudvalis Group
- Rudvalis Group Ru
- Ruffini-Horner Method
- Ruffini's Rule
- Rule
- Rule 28
- Rule 30
- Rule 50
- Rule 54
- Rule 60
- Rule 62
- Rule 90
- Rule 94
- Rule 102
- Rule 110
- Rule 126
- Rule 150
- Rule 158
- Rule 182
- Rule 188
- Rule 190
- Rule 220
- Rule 222
- Rule 250
- Rule of 72
- Rule of Inference
- Rule of Nines
- Rule of Signs
- Rule of Three
- Ruled Surface
- Ruled Surface Directrix
- Ruler
- Ruler Function
- Ruliad
- Ruling
- Rumor Spreading
- Rumors
- Run
- Run-Length Encoding
- Runge-Kutta Method
- Runge's Theorem
- Runge-Walsh Theorem
- Running Average
- Running Knot
- Running Maximum
- Running Sum
- Running Time
- Russell's Antinomy
- Russell's Paradox
- Russian Doll Prime
- Russian Multiplication
- Russian Roulette
- Ruth-Aaron Pair
- Rutherford Constant
- Rutishauser's Rule
- Ryser Formula