Given the closed interval with
, let one-dimensional "cars" of unit length
be parked randomly on the interval. The mean number
of cars which can fit (without overlapping!) satisfies
The mean density of the cars for large is
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(OEIS A050996). While the inner integral can be done analytically,
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is the Euler-Mascheroni constant and
is the incomplete gamma function, it
is not known how to do the outer one
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is the exponential integral. The slowly converging
series expansion for the integrand is given by
In addition,
for all
(Rényi 1958), which was strengthened by Dvoretzky and Robbins (1964) to
Dvoretzky and Robbins (1964) also proved that
be the variance of the number of cars, then Dvoretzky and Robbins (1964) and Mannion
(1964) showed that
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(OEIS A086245), where
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and the numerical value is due to Blaisdell and Solomon (1970). Dvoretzky and Robbins (1964) also proved that
and that
Palasti (1960) conjectured that in two dimensions,
but this has not yet been proven or disproven (Finch 2003).