There are a couple of versions of this theorem. Basically, it says that any bounded linear functional on the space of compactly supported continuous functions on
is the same as integration against a measure
Here, the integral is the Lebesgue integral.
Because linear functionals form a vector space, and are not "positive," the measure may not be a positive measure.
But if the functional
is positive, in the sense that
implies that
, then the measure
is also positive. In the generality of complex linear functionals,
the measure
is a complex measure. The measure
is uniquely determined by
and has the properties of a regular Borel
measure. It must be a finite measure, which corresponds to the boundedness condition
on the functional. In fact, the operator norm of
is the total variation measure of
Naturally, there are some hypotheses necessary for this to make sense. The space
has to be locally compact
and a T2-Space, which is not a strong restriction. In
fact, for unbounded spaces
, the theorem also applies to functionals on continuous functions
which vanish at infinity, in the sense that for any
, there is a compact set
such that for any
not in
(which is the notion from calculus of
The Riesz representation theorem is useful in describing the dual vector space to any space which contains the compactly supported continuous functions as a dense subspace. Roughly speaking, a linear functional is modified, usually by convolving with a bump function, to a bounded linear functional on the compactly supported continuous functions. Then it can be realized as integration against a measure. Often the measure must be absolutely continuous, and so the dual is integration against a function.