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The Grötzsch graph is smallest triangle-free graph with chromatic number four. It is identical to the Mycielski graph of order four, and is implemented as ...
Let Y_n denote the graph with vertex set V(X_n), where X_n is the n-hypercube and two vertices are adjacent in Y_n iff they are at distance 1<=d<=2 in X_n. Y_n is not ...
The Hanoi graph H_n corresponding to the allowed moves in the tower of Hanoi problem. The above figure shows the Hanoi graphs for small n. The Hanoi graph H_n can be ...
Tutte's (46-vertex) graph is a cubic nonhamiltonian graph contructed by Tutte (1946) as a counterexample to Tait's Hamiltonian graph conjecture by using three copies ...
The Abel prize is a new mathematics prize of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, dedicated to the memory of Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) on the occasion of the ...
Percolation, the fundamental notion at the heart of percolation theory, is a difficult idea to define precisely though it is quite easy to describe qualitatively. From the ...
The Higman-Sims graph is the unique strongly regular graph on 100 nodes (Higman and Sims 1968, Brouwer 1983, Brouwer and Haemers 1993). It was also constructed independently ...
The Hoffman-Singleton graph is the graph on 50 nodes and 175 edges that is the only regular graph of vertex degree 7, diameter 2, and girth 5. It is the unique (7,5)-cage ...
The Conway-Smith graph is a distance-transitive graph on 63 vertices having intersection array {10,6,4,1;1,2,6,10} (Hall 1980). It is also distance-transitive. It is denoted ...
There are (at least) two graphs associated with Ellingham and Horton. These graphs on 54 and 78 nodes respectively, illustrated above, are examples of 3-connected bicubic ...
