
Lovász Number

The Lovász number theta(G) of a graph G, sometimes also called the theta function of G, was introduced by Lovász (1979) with the explicit goal of estimating the Shannon capacity of a graph. Let G be a graph and let A be the family of real matrices A=(a_(ij)) such that a_(ij)=0 if i and j are adjacent in G, where the other elements are unconstrained. Let the eigenvalues of A be denoted lambda_1(A)>=lambda_2(A)>=...>=lambda_n(A). Then

 theta(G)=max_(A in A)[1-(lambda_1(A))/(lambda_n(A))]

(Lovász 1979, Knuth 1994, Brimkov et al. 2000).

An equivalent definition considers B the family of real matrices B=(b_(ij)) such that b_(ij)=0 if i=j or i and j are adjacent in G and other elements unconstrained. Then

 theta(G)=min_(B in B)lambda_1(B).

Let theta(G) be the Lovász number of a graph of G. Then


where omega(G) is the clique number and chi(G) is the chromatic number of G. This is the sandwich theorem. It can be rewritten by changing the role of graph complements, giving


which can be written using omega(G^_)=alpha(G) with alpha the independence number and theta(G)=chi(G^_) the clique covering number as


Despite much work on the problem of determining theta(G), finding explicit values for interesting special cases of graphs remains an open problem (Brimkov et al. 2000). However, explicit formulas are known for theta(G) for several families of simple graphs. For example, for the cycle graph C_n with n>=3 and odd,


(Lovász 1979, Brimkov et al. 2000).

Self-complementary vertex-transitive graphs-including the Paley graphs--have theta(G)=sqrt(V(G)) and a Kneser graph K(n,r) has

 theta(K(n,r))=(n-1; r-1)

(Lovász 1979).

Fung (2011) gives the Lovász numbers of the Keller graphs G_1, G_2, ..., as 4, 6, 28/3, 2^4, 2^5, ....

The following table gives some special cases.

Brimkov et al. (2000) determined the additional closed forms for quartic circulant graphs, namely


for odd n, where


|_z_| is the floor function, and [z] is the ceiling function. These are special cases of the formula




The Lovász number satisfies

 theta(G□AdjustmentBox[x, BoxMargins -> {{-0.65, 0.13913}, {-0.5, 0.5}}, BoxBaselineShift -> -0.1]H)<=theta(G)theta(H),

where G□AdjustmentBox[x, BoxMargins -> {{-0.65, 0.13913}, {-0.5, 0.5}}, BoxBaselineShift -> -0.1]H denotes the graph strong product (Lovász 1979). In addition, if G is vertex-transitive, then


where G^_ denotes the graph complement of G.

The Haemers number sometimes gives a better bound on the Shannon capacity than does the Lovász number.

See also

Clique Number, Coloring, Haemers Number, Sandwich Theorem, Shannon Capacity

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Brimkov, V. E.; Codenotti, B.; Crespi, V.; and Leoncini, M. "On the Lovász Number of Certain Circulant Graphs." In Algorithms and Complexity. Papers from the 4th Italian Conference (CIAC 2000) Held in Rome, March 1-3, 2000 (Ed. G. Bongiovanni, G. Gambosi, and R. Petreschi). Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 291-305, 2000.Fung, M. "The Lovász Number of the Keller Graphs." Master thesis. Universiteit Leiden: Mathematisch Instituut, 2011.Knuth, D. E. "The Sandwich Theorem." Electronic J. Combinatorics 1, No. 1, A1, 1-48, 1994.ász, L. "On the Shannon Capacity of a Graph." IEEE Trans. Inform. Th. IT-25, 1-7, 1979.Skarakis, C. "The Sandwich Theorem." §4.2.3 in "Convex Optimization: Theory and Practice." MSc dissertation. York, UK: Department of Mathematics, University of York, pp. 43-46, Aug. 22, 2008.

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Lovász Number

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Lovász Number." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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