
Honeycomb Toroidal Graph


The honeycomb toroidal graph HTG(m,2n,s) on 2nm vertices for m, n, and s positive integers satisfying n>1 and m+s is even is defined as the graph on vertex set u_(ij) for 0<=i<=m-1 and 0<=j<=2n-1. Edges are then defined as follows, where i and j adjacency are taken modulo m and 2n, respectively.

1. For each i from 0 to m-1, u_(ij) is adjacent to u_(i,j-1) and u_(i,j+1).

2. For each even i from 0 to m-2, there is an edge from u_(ij) to u_(i+1,j) for all odd j.

3. For each odd i from 1 to m-2, there is an edge from u_(ij) to u_(i+1,j) for all even j.

4. If m-1 is even, there is an edge from u_(m-1,j) to u_(0,j+s) for all odd j.

5. If m-1 is odd, there is an edge from u_(m-1,j) to u_(0,j+s) for all even j.

Honeycomb toroidal graphs are cubic, except some cases with m=1 which give cycle graphs C_(2n). They are also vertex-transitive, and a Cayley graphs (Alspach and Dean 2009).

Honeycomb toroidal graphs have also been called generalized honeycomb tori and brick products (Alspach and Dean 2009).

The following table summarizes some special cases.

See also

Crossed Prism Graph, Foster Graph, I Graph, Knödel Graph

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Alspach, B. and Dean, M. "Honeycomb Toroidal Graphs Are Cayley Graphs." Inf. Proc. Lett. 109, 705-708, 2009.Altshuler, A. "Hamiltonian Circuits in Some Maps on the Torus." Disc. Math. 1, 299-314, 1972.Marušič, D. and Pisanski, T. "Symmetries of Hexagonal Molecular Graphs on the Torus." Croatica Chem., 73, 969-981, 2000.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Honeycomb Toroidal Graph." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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