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alpha^((m))=1/2gamma_1=(mu_3)/(2sigma^3), where gamma_1 is the skewness.
A sequence {a_n} such that either (1) a_(i+1)>=a_i for every i>=1, or (2) a_(i+1)<=a_i for every i>=1.
A smooth manifold with a Poisson bracket defined on its function space.
A point at which two noncrossing branches of a curve meet with different tangents.
A spherical harmonic of the form sin(mphi)P_m^m(costheta) or cos(mphi)P_m^m(costheta).
A p×q submatrix of an m×n matrix (with p<=m, q<=n) is a p×q matrix formed by taking a block of the entries of this size from the original matrix.
An attractor is a set of states (points in the phase space), invariant under the dynamics, towards which neighboring states in a given basin of attraction asymptotically ...
Let theta be an irrational number, define S(theta)={c+dtheta:c,d in N}, and let c_n(theta)+thetad_n(theta) be the sequence obtained by arranging the elements of S(theta) in ...
The Platonic solids, also called the regular solids or regular polyhedra, are convex polyhedra with equivalent faces composed of congruent convex regular polygons. There are ...
One of the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms which asserts the existence for any set a of a set x such that, for any y of a, if there exists a z satisfying A(y,z), then such z exists ...
