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Denote the nth derivative D^n and the n-fold integral D^(-n). Then D^(-1)f(t)=int_0^tf(xi)dxi. (1) Now, if the equation D^(-n)f(t)=1/((n-1)!)int_0^t(t-xi)^(n-1)f(xi)dxi (2) ...
A free idempotent monoid is a monoid that satisfies the identity x^2=x and is generated by a set of elements. If the generating set of such a monoid is finite, then so is the ...
The circumcircle of the Fuhrmann triangle. It has the line HNa, where H is the orthocenter and Na is the Nagel point, as its diameter. In fact, these points (Kimberling ...
Given a real m×n matrix A, there are four associated vector subspaces which are known colloquially as its fundamental subspaces, namely the column spaces and the null spaces ...
Given an m×n matrix A, the fundamental theorem of linear algebra is a collection of results relating various properties of the four fundamental matrix subspaces of A. In ...
The Games graph is a strongly regular graph on 729 vertices with parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(729,112,1,20). It is distance-regular but not distance-transitive with ...
Gauge theory studies principal bundle connections, called gauge fields, on a principal bundle. These connections correspond to fields, in physics, such as an electromagnetic ...
Gelfond's theorem, also called the Gelfond-Schneider theorem, states that a^b is transcendental if 1. a is algebraic !=0,1 and 2. b is algebraic and irrational. This provides ...
A generalization of the Fibonacci numbers defined by 1=G_1=G_2=...=G_(c-1) and the recurrence relation G_n=G_(n-1)+G_(n-c). (1) These are the sums of elements on successive ...
Let O be an incidence geometry, i.e., a set with a symmetric, reflexive binary relation I. Let e and f be elements of O. Let an incidence plane be an incidence geometry whose ...