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Christoffel symbols of the second kind are the second type of tensor-like object derived from a Riemannian metric g which is used to study the geometry of the metric. ...
For every positive integer n, there exists a circle which contains exactly n lattice points in its interior. H. Steinhaus proved that for every positive integer n, there ...
The complex conjugate of a complex number z=a+bi is defined to be z^_=a-bi. (1) The conjugate matrix of a matrix A=(a_(ij)) is the matrix obtained by replacing each element ...
The word configuration is sometimes used to describe a finite collection of points p=(p_1,...,p_n), p_i in R^d, where R^d is a Euclidean space. The term "configuration" also ...
The conjugate gradient method is an algorithm for finding the nearest local minimum of a function of n variables which presupposes that the gradient of the function can be ...
Define a cell in R^1 as an open interval or a point. A cell in R^(k+1) then has one of two forms, {(x,y):x in C, and f(x)<y<g(x)} (1) or {(x,y):x in C, and y=f(x)}, (2) where ...
Cylindrical coordinates are a generalization of two-dimensional polar coordinates to three dimensions by superposing a height (z) axis. Unfortunately, there are a number of ...
The delta function is a generalized function that can be defined as the limit of a class of delta sequences. The delta function is sometimes called "Dirac's delta function" ...
A derangement is a permutation in which none of the objects appear in their "natural" (i.e., ordered) place. For example, the only derangements of {1,2,3} are {2,3,1} and ...
A discontinuity is point at which a mathematical object is discontinuous. The left figure above illustrates a discontinuity in a one-variable function while the right figure ...