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Let M be a compact n-dimensional manifold with injectivity radius inj(M). Then Vol(M)>=(c_ninj(M))/pi, with equality iff M is isometric to the standard round sphere S^n with ...
Algebraic topology is the study of intrinsic qualitative aspects of spatial objects (e.g., surfaces, spheres, tori, circles, knots, links, configuration spaces, etc.) that ...
The z-score associated with the ith observation of a random variable x is given by z_i=(x_i-x^_)/sigma, where x^_ is the mean and sigma the standard deviation of all ...
The Balthasart projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection that uses a standard parallel of phi_s=50 degrees.
An interval in which one endpoint is included but not the other. A half-closed interval is denoted [a,b) or (a,b] and is also called a half-open interval. The non-standard ...
The Lambert cylindrical equal-area projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection with standard parallel phi_s=0 degrees.
The Tristan Edwards projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection which uses a standard parallel of phi_s=37.383 degrees.
An oriented surface for which every point belongs to a Wiedersehen pair. Proof of the Blaschke conjecture established that the only Wiedersehen surfaces are the standard ...
As of 2014, the IEEE 754-2008 is the most commonly implemented standard for floating-point arithmetic. This framework is a massive overhaul of its predecessor IEEE 754-1985 ...
The Young tableau (plural, "tableaux") of a Ferrers diagram is obtained by placing the numbers 1, ..., n in the n boxes of the diagram. A "standard" Young tableau is a Young ...
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