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The second blackboard problem in the 1997 film Good Will Hunting asks for all the series-reduced trees (referred to by the alternate term "homeomorphically irreducible trees" ...
Let P(z) and Q(z) be univariate polynomials in a complex variable z, and let the polynomial degrees of P and Q satisfy deg(Q)>=deg(P+2). Then int_gamma(P(z))/(Q(z))dz = ...
A graph G=(V,E) is an interval graph if it captures the intersection relation for some set of intervals on the real line. Formally, P is an interval graph provided that one ...
Isomorphic factorization colors the edges a given graph G with k colors so that the colored subgraphs are isomorphic. The graph G is then k-splittable, with k as the divisor, ...
An isosceles triangle is a triangle with (at least) two equal sides. In the figure above, the two equal sides have length b and the remaining side has length a. This property ...
"Jabulani polyhedron" is a term introduced here to refer to the polyhedron illustrated above which underlies the shape of the soccer ball used in the 2010 World Cup in South ...
Every nonplanar graph contains either the utility graph K_(3,3) (i.e., the complete bipartite graph on two sets of three vertices) or the pentatope graph K_5 as a ...
The term "(a,b)-leaper" (sometimes explicitly called a "single-pattern leaper") describes a fairy chess piece such as a knight that may make moves which simultaneously change ...
Let (P,B) denote a configuration with v points P={p_1,...,p_v} and b lines ("blocks") B=(B_1,...,B_b). Then the Levi graph L(P,B), also called the incidence graph, of a ...
The five Mathieu groups M_(11), M_(12), M_(22), M_(23), and M_(24) were the first sporadic groups discovered, having been found in 1861 and 1873 by Mathieu. Frobenius showed ...
