
Leaper Graph

The term "(a,b)-leaper" (sometimes explicitly called a "single-pattern leaper") describes a fairy chess piece such as a knight that may make moves which simultaneously change by m squares along one axis (horizontal or vertical) and n squares along the other. An (a,b)-leaper graph then gives the graph formed by connecting all possible legal moves of such a piece from all squares on a chessboard.

Because of their use in varieties of chess, many small leapers have acquired colourful individual names, some of them dating back to medieval times. The following table summarizes the names given to the graphs generated by a variety of fairy chess pieces with names as given by Jelliss (2019).

(a,b)leaper graph
(0, 0)dummy (empty) graph
(0, 1)wazir graph
(0, 2)dabbaba graph
(0, 3)3-leaper graph
(0, 4)4-leaper graph
(1, 1)fers graph
(1, 2)knight graph
(1, 3)camel graph
(1, 4)giraffe graph
(1, 6)flamingo graph
(2, 2)alfil graph
(2, 3)zebra graph
(2, 4)lancer graph
(3, 3)tripper graph
(3, 4)antelope graph
(4, 4)commuter graph

See also

Antelope Graph, Camel Graph, Fairy Chess, Fiveleaper Graph, Giraffe Graph, Knight Graph, Zebra Graph

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Jelliss, G. P. "Theory of Moves" and "Augmented Knight & Leaper Tours." §1 and §10 in Knight's Tour Notes. 2019.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Leaper Graph." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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