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If the three straight lines joining the corresponding vertices of two triangles ABC and A^'B^'C^' all meet in a point (the perspector), then the three intersections of pairs ...
A special case of Apollonius' problem requiring the determination of a circle touching three mutually tangent circles (also called the kissing circles problem). There are two ...
A method of determining the maximum number of positive and negative real roots of a polynomial. For positive roots, start with the sign of the coefficient of the lowest (or ...
The detour matrix Delta, sometimes also called the maximum path matrix or maximal topological distances matrix, of a graph is a symmetric matrix whose (i,j)th entry is the ...
The detour polynomial of a graph G is the characteristic polynomial of the detour matrix of G. Precomputed detour polynomials for many named graphs are available in the ...
The devil's curve was studied by G. Cramer in 1750 and Lacroix in 1810 (MacTutor Archive). It appeared in Nouvelles Annales in 1858. The Cartesian equation is ...
A diagonal matrix is a square matrix A of the form a_(ij)=c_idelta_(ij), (1) where delta_(ij) is the Kronecker delta, c_i are constants, and i,j=1, 2, ..., n, with no implied ...
An n×n-matrix A is said to be diagonalizable if it can be written on the form A=PDP^(-1), where D is a diagonal n×n matrix with the eigenvalues of A as its entries and P is a ...
Find the figure bounded by a line which has the maximum area for a given perimeter. The solution is a semicircle. The problem is based on a passage from Virgil's Aeneid: "The ...
A differential-algebraic equation (DAE) is a type of differential equation in which the derivatives are not (in general) expressed explicitly, and typically derivatives of ...
