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3831 - 3840 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results
A fullerene is a cubic polyhedral graph having all faces 5- or 6-cycles. Examples include the 20-vertex dodecahedral graph, 24-vertex generalized Petersen graph GP(12,2), ...
A set of real numbers x_1, ..., x_n is said to possess an integer relation if there exist integers a_i such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=0, with not all a_i=0. For ...
Given a triangle, extend two sides in the direction opposite their common vertex. The circle tangent to these two lines and to the other side of the triangle is called an ...
Clausen's integral, sometimes called the log sine integral (Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 88) is the n=2 case of the S_2 Clausen function Cl_2(theta) = ...
A generalization of the Fibonacci numbers defined by 1=G_1=G_2=...=G_(c-1) and the recurrence relation G_n=G_(n-1)+G_(n-c). (1) These are the sums of elements on successive ...
The great truncated icosidodecahedron, also called the great quasitruncated icosidodecahedron, is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 68 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index ...
The regular tessellation {6,3} consisting of regular hexagons (i.e., a hexagonal grid). In general, the term honeycomb is used to refer to a tessellation in n dimensions for ...
A Kirkman triple system of order v=6n+3 is a Steiner triple system with parallelism (Ball and Coxeter 1987), i.e., one with the following additional stipulation: the set of ...
Let P, Q be integers satisfying D=P^2-4Q>0. (1) Then roots of x^2-Px+Q=0 (2) are a = 1/2(P+sqrt(D)) (3) b = 1/2(P-sqrt(D)), (4) so a+b = P (5) ab = 1/4(P^2-D) (6) = Q (7) a-b ...
The power series that defines the exponential map e^x also defines a map between matrices. In particular, exp(A) = e^(A) (1) = sum_(n=0)^(infty)(A^n)/(n!) (2) = ...
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