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211 - 220 of 1192 for Fourier Transform GaussianSearch Results

In music, if a note has frequency f, integer multiples of that frequency, 2f,3f,4f and so on, are known as harmonics. As a result, the mathematical study of overlapping waves ...
Writing a Fourier series as f(theta)=1/2a_0+sum_(n=1)^(m-1)sinc((npi)/(2m))[a_ncos(ntheta)+b_nsin(ntheta)], where m is the last term, reduces the Gibbs phenomenon. The ...
A prime partition of a positive integer n>=2 is a set of primes p_i which sum to n. For example, there are three prime partitions of 7 since 7=7=2+5=2+2+3. The number of ...
The Lorentzian function is the singly peaked function given by L(x)=1/pi(1/2Gamma)/((x-x_0)^2+(1/2Gamma)^2), (1) where x_0 is the center and Gamma is a parameter specifying ...
The Petersen family of graphs, not to be confused with generalized Petersen graphs, are a set of seven graphs obtained from the Petersen graph (or complete graph K_6) by del ...
Let kappa_1 and kappa_2 be the principal curvatures, then their mean H=1/2(kappa_1+kappa_2) (1) is called the mean curvature. Let R_1 and R_2 be the radii corresponding to ...
The word quadrature has (at least) three incompatible meanings. Integration by quadrature either means solving an integral analytically (i.e., symbolically in terms of known ...
An augmented matrix is a matrix obtained by adjoining a row or column vector, or sometimes another matrix with the same vertical dimension. The most common use of an ...
A Gaussian quadrature-like formula for numerical estimation of integrals. It uses weighting function W(x)=1 in the interval [-1,1] and forces all the weights to be equal. The ...
A matrix that has undergone Gaussian elimination is said to be in row echelon form or, more properly, "reduced echelon form" or "row-reduced echelon form." Such a matrix has ...
