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1171 - 1180 of 1637 for Euler Maclaurin Integration FormulasSearch Results
Given three coins of possibly different sizes which are arranged so that each is tangent to the other two, find the coin which is tangent to the other three coins. The ...
A functional is a real-valued function on a vector space V, usually of functions. For example, the energy functional on the unit disk D assigns a number to any differentiable ...
At rational arguments p/q, the digamma function psi_0(p/q) is given by psi_0(p/q)=-gamma-ln(2q)-1/2picot(p/qpi) +2sum_(k=1)^([q/2]-1)cos((2pipk)/q)ln[sin((pik)/q)] (1) for ...
The golden angle is the angle that divides a full angle in a golden ratio (but measured in the opposite direction so that it measures less than 180 degrees), i.e., GA = ...
Nice approximations for the golden ratio phi are given by phi approx sqrt((5pi)/6) (1) approx (7pi)/(5e), (2) the last of which is due to W. van Doorn (pers. comm., Jul. 18, ...
"The" Griffiths point Gr is the fixed point in Griffiths' theorem. Given four points on a circle and a line through the center of the circle, the four corresponding Griffiths ...
A harmonic series is a continued fraction-like series [n;a,b,c,...] defined by x=n+1/2(a+1/3(b+1/4(c+...))) (Havil 2003, p. 99). Examples are given in the following table. c ...
Let a straight line AB be divided internally at C and externally at D in the same ratio, so that (AC)/(CB)=-(AD)/(DB). Then AB is said to be divided harmonically at C and D ...
The Herschel nonahedron is a canonical polyhedron whose skeleton is the Herschel graph. It has 11 vertices, 18 edges, and 9 faces. Of the edges, 6 are short and 12 are long. ...
A matrix H with elements H_(ij)=(i+j-1)^(-1) (1) for i,j=1, 2, ..., n. Hilbert matrices are implemented in the Wolfram Language by HilbertMatrix[m, n]. The figure above shows ...
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