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631 - 640 of 1485 for Elliptic integralSearch Results

The Riemann-Siegel formula is a formula discovered (but not published) by Riemann for computing an asymptotic formula for the Riemann-Siegel function theta(t). The formula ...
A point at which two noncrossing branches of a curve meet with different tangents.
The probability that a statistical test will be positive for a true statistic.
The sinc function sinc(x), also called the "sampling function," is a function that arises frequently in signal processing and the theory of Fourier transforms. The full name ...
Stirling's approximation gives an approximate value for the factorial function n! or the gamma function Gamma(n) for n>>1. The approximation can most simply be derived for n ...
A measure lambda is absolutely continuous with respect to another measure mu if lambda(E)=0 for every set with mu(E)=0. This makes sense as long as mu is a positive measure, ...
If f(z) is meromorphic in a region R enclosed by a contour gamma, let N be the number of complex roots of f(z) in gamma, and P be the number of poles in gamma, with each zero ...
The apodization function f(x)=1-(|x|)/a (1) which is a generalization of the one-argument triangle function. Its full width at half maximum is a. It has instrument function ...
If f(x) is piecewise continuous and has a generalized Fourier series sum_(i)a_iphi_i(x) (1) with weighting function w(x), it must be true that ...
The entire function B(z) = [(sin(piz))/pi]^2[2/z+sum_(n=0)^(infty)1/((z-n)^2)-sum_(n=1)^(infty)1/((z+n)^2)] (1) = 1-(2sin^2(piz))/(pi^2z^2)[z^2psi_1(z)-z-1], (2) where ...
