Given a Hilbert space , the
-strong operator topology is the topology
on the algebra
of bounded operators
to itself defined as follows: A sequence
of operators in
converges to an operator
-strongly if and only if
for all compact
. Here,
denotes the algebra of bounded operators from
to itself.
The -strong
topology is sometimes referred to as the ultrastrong topology due to it being "stronger"
than the strong topology.
One can prove that the -strong topology on
is generated by the collection of seminorms
as above, where here,
The -strong
topology is important for a number of reasons, not the least of which is its application
to the study of von Neumann algebras. What's
more, the notion of the
-strong topology is merely one in a larger hierarchical
class of operator topologies on
which includes the
-weak topology, the
-strong* topology, etc.; this hierarchy is the focus of
considerable study in its own right.