
KC Graph

The graph Cartesian product K_n square C_r of a complete graph K_n and a cycle graph C_r has been termed a "KC graph" by Knuth (2024, p. 22), who restricts their parameters to r>2 and n>2. The KC graphs are regular with degree n+1 and have vertex count and edge count

|V(K_n square C_r)|=rn
|E(K_n square C_r)|=1/2rn(n+1).

Many KC graphs are circulant graphs. In particular, for any (n,r)=1 (i.e., relatively prime so as not to contain a common divisor), K_n square C_r is isomorphic to the circulant graph Ci_(nr)(i_1n,...,j_1r,...), where the indices are a subset of integer multiples of n and r less than or equal to nr/2. Other special cases are summarized in the table below.

K_3 square C_r is ungraceful for r odd (Knuth 2024, p. 22).

The scramble number of the KC graph K_n square C_r with n>=2 and r>=4 is min(2n,r(n-1)) (Echavarria et al. 2021).

See also

Graph Cartesian Product, KP Graph

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Echavarria, M.; Everett, M.; Huang, R.; Jacoby, L.; Morrison, R.; Weber, B. "On the Scramble Number of Graphs." 29 Mar 2021., D. E. § in The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 4. Pre-Fascicle 7A, Dec. 5, 2024.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "KC Graph." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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