
KP Graph

The graph Cartesian product K_n square P_r of a complete graph K_n and a path graph P_r has been termed a "KP graph" by Knuth (2024, pp. 20-21), who restricts their parameters to r>1 and n>2. The KP graphs have vertex count, edge count, and (except for r=1 and r=n=2) graph automorphism count

|V(K_n square P_r)|=rn
|E(K_n square P_r)|=r(n; 2)+(r-1)n
|Aut(K_n square P_r)|=2n!.

KP graphs are regular only for n=1 (corresponding to complete graphs) and n=2 (corresponding to 2×r rook graphs).

Special cases are summarized in the table below.

K_n square P_2 (i.e., the 2×n rook graphs) is ungraceful for all n>5 (Knuth 2024, p. 22).

See also

Graph Cartesian Product, KC Graph

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Knuth, D. E. § in The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 4. Pre-Fascicle 7A, Dec. 5, 2024.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "KP Graph." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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