A square matrix is called Hermitian if it is self-adjoint. Therefore, a Hermitian matrix is defined as one for which
denotes the conjugate transpose. This is equivalent
to the condition
denotes the complex conjugate. As a result of
this definition, the diagonal elements
of a Hermitian matrix are real numbers (since
), while other elements may be complex.
Examples of
Hermitian matrices include
and the Pauli matrices
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Examples of
Hermitian matrices include
An integer or real matrix is Hermitian iff it is symmetric.
A matrix
can be tested to see if it is Hermitian in the Wolfram
Language using HermitianMatrixQ[m].
Hermitian matrices have real eigenvalues whose eigenvectors form a unitary basis. For real matrices, Hermitian is the same as symmetric.
Any matrix which is not Hermitian can be expressed as the sum of a Hermitian
matrix and a antihermitian matrix using
be a unitary matrix and
be a Hermitian matrix. Then the adjoint
of a similarity transformation is
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The specific matrix
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are Pauli matrices, is sometimes called "the"
Hermitian matrix.