In celestial mechanics, the fixed path a planet traces as it moves around the sun is called an orbit. When a group acts on a set
(this process is called a group
action), it permutes the elements of
. Any particular element
moves around in a fixed path which is called its orbit. In
the notation of set theory, the group orbit of a group element
can be defined as
where runs over all elements of the group
. For example, for the permutation
the orbits of 1 and 2 are
and the orbits of 3 and 4 are
A group fixed point is an orbit consisting of a single element, i.e., an element that is sent to itself under all elements of the
group. The stabilizer of an element consists of all the permutations of
that produce group fixed points
, i.e., that send
to itself. The stabilizers of 1 and 2 under
are therefore
, and the stabilizers of 3 and 4 are
Note that if
, because
. Consequently, the orbits partition
and, given a permutation
on a set
the orbit of an element
is the subset of
consisting of elements to which some element
can send
For example, consider the action by the circle group on the sphere
by rotations along its axis. Then the north pole is an orbit,
as is the south pole. The equator is a one-dimensional
orbit, as is a general orbit, corresponding to a line of latitude.
Orbits of a Lie group action may look different from each other. For example, ,
the orthogonal group of signature
, acts on the plane. It has three
different kinds of orbits: the origin (a group fixed
point, the four rays
and the hyperbolas such as
In general, an orbit may be of any dimension, up to the dimension of the Lie
group. If the Lie group
is compact, then its orbits
are submanifolds.
The group's action on the orbit through is transitive, and so is related
to its isotropy group. In particular, the cosets
of the isotropy subgroup correspond to the elements in the orbit,
is the orbit of
is the stabilizer of
. This immediately gives the identity
denotes the order of group
(Holton and Sheehan 1993, p. 27).