A class of complete orientable minimal surfaces of derived from Enneper's
minimal surface. They are named for the mathematicians who found the first two
examples in 1982.
The Chen-Gackstatter surfaces form a double-indexed collection , where
is Enneper's
minimal surface, and
is obtained from
by adding
handles so that it has topological genus equal to
. It has one Enneper end with winding order three, meaning
that, like Enneper's minimal surface,
it has a symmetric three-fold shape which tends to coincide with a triple plane far
away from the center.
In general,
has total curvature
, topological genus
, and one Enneper end of winding order
. This property distinguishes it from other surfaces such
as the catenoid which have two ends of winding order
The first Chen-Gackstatter surface has topological genus
and total curvature
. Its Enneper-Weierstrass
parameterization is given by
| |||
is the Weierstrass elliptic function
with parameters
| |||
the imaginary unit (and where
turns out to be real and positive), and the constant
given by
López (1992) has shown that is the only genus one orientable complete minimal surface
of total curvature
In a neighborhood of the origin can be approximated by the following parametric equations:
| |||
| |||
is a small positive constant and
The second Chen-Gackstatter surface has topological genus
and total curvature
. Its Enneper-Weierstrass
parameterization is
| |||
where ,
are positive numbers such that
and, given the definitions
| |||
| |||
| |||
it holds that
The surfaces
were classified by Karcher (1989) and Thayer (1995), respectively. Sato (1996) completed
the work for all
, and proved that the Enneper-Weierstrass parameterization
is given by
| |||
and ,
are suitable real numbers. They can be chosen in such a way that the triple
does not depend on the value of .

The pictures above (Hoffman et al. ) visualize the role of the double-index:
holes along its axis of symmetry, which is surrounded by a curly rim with
mountains and valleys.