The Desargues graph is one of three cubic graphs on 20 nodes with smallest possible graph crossing
number of 6 (the others being two unnamed graphs denoted CNG 6B and CNG 6C by
Pegg and Exoo 2009), making it a smallest
cubic crossing number graph (Pegg and Exoo 2009, Clancy et al. 2019).
The Desargues is an integral graph with graph spectrum.
It is cospectral with another nonisomorphic
graph (Haemers and Spence 1995, van Dam and Haemers 2003).
It is also a unit-distance graph (Gerbracht
2008) and is 3-unitransitive (Harary 1994, p. 175).
The Desargues graph is the first of four graphs depicted on the cover of Harary (1994).
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