From the point of view of coordinate charts, the notion of tangent space is quite simple. The tangent space consists of all directions,
or velocities, a particle can take. In an open set in
there are no constraints, so the tangent space at a point
is another copy of
The set
could be a coordinate chart for an
-dimensional manifold.
The tangent space at ,
is the set of possible velocity vectors of paths
Hence there is a canonical vector
basis: if
are the coordinates, then
are a basis for the tangent space, where
is the velocity vector of a particle with unit speed moving
inward along the coordinate
. The collection of all tangent
vectors to every point on the manifold, called the
tangent bundle, is the phase
space of a single particle moving in the manifold
It seems as if the tangent space at is the same as the tangent space at all other points in the
However, while they do share the same dimension and are isomorphic,
in a change of coordinates, they lose their canonical isomorphism.

For example, let
be coordinate charts for the unit interval
. We can change coordinates with
defined by
. This is a change of coordinates because the derivative
does not vanish on
But this change is not linear, and stretches out
more near 1 than it does near 0. The tangent vectors transform
by the derivative. At
, they are stretched by a factor of
. While at
, they are stretched out by a factor of
In general, the tangent vectors transform according to the Jacobian. The tangent vector
can also be considered as the tangent vector
in another coordinate chart, where
is the diffeomorphism
from one chart to the other. The linear transformation determined by the Jacobian
is invertible, since
is a diffeomorphism.
Not only does the Jacobian, and the chain rule, show that the tangent space is well-defined,
independent of coordinate chart, but it also shows that tangent vectors "push
forward." That is, given any smooth map between manifolds, it makes sense to map the tangent
vectors of
to tangent vectors of
. Writing
as the function
between a coordinate chart in
and one in
, then
. Another notation for
, the differential of
. In the language of tensors,
the tangent vector's pushing forward means that a vector field is a covariant