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The reciprocal of a real or complex number z!=0 is its multiplicative inverse 1/z=z^(-1), i.e., z to the power -1. The reciprocal of zero is undefined. A plot of the ...
Also called "Ethiopian multiplication." To multiply two numbers a and b, write a_0=a and b_0=b in two columns. Under a_0, write |_a_0/2_|, where |_x_| is the floor function, ...
A Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero is called semisimple if its Killing form is nondegenerate. The following properties can be proved equivalent for a ...
In logic, a term is a variable, constant, or the result of acting on variables and constants by function symbols. In algebra, a term is a product of the form x^n (in the ...
Trigonometric functions of npi/9 radians for n an integer not divisible by 3 (e.g., 40 degrees and 80 degrees) cannot be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root ...
The matrix product of a square set of data d and a matrix of basis vectors consisting of Walsh functions. By taking advantage of the nested structure of the natural ordering ...
A differential k-form is a tensor of tensor rank k that is antisymmetric under exchange of any pair of indices. The number of algebraically independent components in n ...
The Cayley-Menger determinant is a determinant that gives the volume of a simplex in j dimensions. If S is a j-simplex in R^n with vertices v_1,...,v_(j+1) and B=(beta_(ik)) ...
A plot in the complex plane of the points B(t)=S(t)+iC(t), (1) where S(t) and C(t) are the Fresnel integrals (von Seggern 2007, p. 210; Gray 1997, p. 65). The Cornu spiral is ...
The Gauss map is a function N from an oriented surface M in Euclidean space R^3 to the unit sphere in R^3. It associates to every point on the surface its oriented unit ...
