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The Burridge-Knopoff model is a system of differential equations used to model earthquakes using n points on a straight line, each of mass m, that interact with each other ...
On a Lie group, exp is a map from the Lie algebra to its Lie group. If you think of the Lie algebra as the tangent space to the identity of the Lie group, exp(v) is defined ...
Green's theorem is a vector identity which is equivalent to the curl theorem in the plane. Over a region D in the plane with boundary partialD, Green's theorem states ...
A stable isolated (i.e., solitary) traveling nonlinear wave solution to a set of equations that obeys a superposition-like principle (i.e., solitons passing through one ...
The idea of a velocity vector comes from classical physics. By representing the position and motion of a single particle using vectors, the equations for motion are simpler ...
The path traced out by a point P on the edge of a circle of radius b rolling on the outside of a circle of radius a. An epicycloid is therefore an epitrochoid with h=b. ...
Inspired by computer simulations of fossilized worms trails published by Raup and Seilacher (1969), computer scientist Mike Paterson at the University of Warwick and ...
The one-dimensional wave equation is given by (partial^2psi)/(partialx^2)=1/(v^2)(partial^2psi)/(partialt^2). (1) In order to specify a wave, the equation is subject to ...
Given a reference triangle DeltaABC, the trilinear coordinates of a point P with respect to DeltaABC are an ordered triple of numbers, each of which is proportional to the ...
Pick three points P=(x_1,y_1), Q=(x_2,y_2), and R=(x_3,y_3) distributed independently and uniformly in a unit disk K (i.e., in the interior of the unit circle). Then the ...
