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An n-trapezohedron, also called an antidipyramid, antibipyramid, or deltohedron (not to be confused with a deltahedron), is a solid composed of interleaved symmetric ...
The treewidth is a measure of the count of original graph vertices mapped onto any tree vertex in an optimal tree decomposition. Determining the treewidth of an arbitrary ...
The best known packings of equilateral triangles into an equilateral triangle are illustrated above for the first few cases (Friedman). The best known packings of equilateral ...
The problem of finding the mean triangle area of a triangle with vertices picked inside a triangle with unit area was proposed by Watson (1865) and solved by Sylvester. It ...
The 14-faced Archimedean solid with faces 8{3}+6{8}. It is also the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 9 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index 8 (Wenninger 1989), Coxeter index 21 ...
The truncated tetrahedron is the Archimedean solid with faces 4{3}+4{6}. It is also the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 2 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index 6 (Wenninger ...
Turmites, also called turning machines, are 2-dimensional Turing machines in which the "tape" consists of a grid of spaces that can be written and erased by an active ...
For an integer n>=2, let lpf(n) denote the least prime factor of n. A pair of integers (x,y) is called a twin peak if 1. x<y, 2. lpf(x)=lpf(y), 3. For all z, x<z<y implies ...
A unigraphic graph (or simply a "unigraph") is a graph that is isomorphic to every graph having that degree sequence. All graphs on four are fewer vertices are unigraphic. ...
A square matrix U is a unitary matrix if U^(H)=U^(-1), (1) where U^(H) denotes the conjugate transpose and U^(-1) is the matrix inverse. For example, A=[2^(-1/2) 2^(-1/2) 0; ...
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