

The treewidth is a measure of the count of original graph vertices mapped onto any tree vertex in an optimal tree decomposition. Determining the treewidth of an arbitrary graph is an NP-hard problem. However, many NP-hard problems on graphs of bounded treewidth can be solved in polynomial time.

An empty graph has treewidth 0, a tree or forest has treewidth 1, and graphs with treewidth at most 2 correspond to series-parallel graphs. Every Halin graph has a treewidth of 3 (Bodlaender 1988).

The treewidth of a disconnected graph is equal to the maximum of the treewidths of its connected components.

A maximal graph with treewidth k is called a k-tree, while a graph with treewidth <=k are known as partial k-trees.

Graphs with treewidth <=k may be characterized by a finite set of forbidden minors, as summarized in the following table. For the case of <=4, more than 75 minimal forbidden minors of widely varying structures are known (Sanders 1993, Sanders 1995, Chlebiková 2002).

treewidth boundforbidden minors
3K_5, octahedral graph K_(2,2,2), prism graph P_2 square C_5, Wagner graph M_4
4unknown finite number of minors; at least 75 known

The scramble number is the most powerful known lower bound on the gonality of a graph and satisfies


where kappa(G) is the vertex connectivity, lambda(G) is the edge connectivity, sn(G) is the scramble number, and gon(G) is the gonality of G (Harp et al. 2020, Echavarria et al. 2021).

Special cases include

tw(P_m square P_n)=min(m,n),

where T denotes any tree, H any Halin graph, C_n is a cycle graph, K_n is a complete graph, K_(m,n) is a complete bipartite graph, and P_m square P_n is an m×n grid graph.

See also

Graph Bandwidth, Halin Graph, Pathwidth, Tree, Tree Decomposition

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Treewidth." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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