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A group action G×X->X is transitive if it possesses only a single group orbit, i.e., for every pair of elements x and y, there is a group element g such that gx=y. In this ...
The trapezo-rhombic dodecahedron, also called the rhombo-trapezoidal dodecahedron, is a general dodecahedron consisting of six identical rhombi and six identical isosceles ...
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two sides parallel. The trapezoid is equivalent to the British definition of trapezium (Bronshtein and Semendyayev 1977, p. 174). An ...
A fast boat is overtaking a slower one when fog suddenly sets in. At this point, the boat being pursued changes course, but not speed, and proceeds straight in a new ...
Triangle geometry is the study of the properties of triangles, including associated triangle centers, triangle lines, central circles, triangle cubics, and many others. These ...
Given a triangle with one vertex at the origin and the others at positions v_1 and v_2, one might think that a random point inside the triangle would be given by ...
A planar graph G is said to be triangulated (also called maximal planar) if the addition of any edge to G results in a nonplanar graph. If the special cases of the triangle ...
"The" trifolium is the three-lobed folium with b=a, i.e., the 3-petalled rose curve. It is also known as the paquerette de mélibée (Apéry 1987, p. 85), with paquerette being ...
Rather surprisingly, trigonometric functions of npi/17 for n an integer can be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root extractions because 17 is a Fermat prime. ...
Trigonometric functions of npi/7 for n an integer cannot be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root extractions on real rational numbers because 7 is not a ...
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