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The hemiobelisk graph is the skeleton of the hemiobelisk. It has 7 vertices, 11 edges, and 6 faces. It is a minimal unit-distance forbidden graph. It is implemented in the ...
A Heronian triangle is a triangle having rational side lengths and rational area. The triangles are so named because such triangles are related to Heron's formula ...
The smallest possible number of vertices a polyhedral nonhamiltonian graph can have is 11, and there exist 74 such graphs, including the Herschel graph and the Goldner-Harary ...
Highly composite numbers are numbers such that divisor function d(n)=sigma_0(n) (i.e., the number of divisors of n) is greater than for any smaller n. Superabundant numbers ...
Given a finitely generated Z-graded module M over a graded ring R (finitely generated over R_0, which is an Artinian local ring), the Hilbert function of M is the map ...
The Hoffman graph is the bipartite graph on 16 nodes and 32 edges illustrated above that is cospectral to the tesseract graph Q_4 (Hoffman 1963, van Dam and Haemers 2003). ...
The honeycomb toroidal graph HTG(m,2n,s) on 2nm vertices for m, n, and s positive integers satisfying n>1 and m+s is even is defined as the graph on vertex set u_(ij) for ...
The hyperbolic functions sinhz, coshz, tanhz, cschz, sechz, cothz (hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine, hyperbolic tangent, hyperbolic cosecant, hyperbolic secant, and ...
A hyperbolic knot is a knot that has a complement that can be given a metric of constant curvature -1. All hyperbolic knots are prime knots (Hoste et al. 1998). A prime knot ...
The hypercube is a generalization of a 3-cube to n dimensions, also called an n-cube or measure polytope. It is a regular polytope with mutually perpendicular sides, and is ...
