
Search Results for "spherical aberration"

311 - 320 of 374 for spherical aberrationSearch Results
The Brocard circle, also known as the seven-point circle, is the circle having the line segment connecting the circumcenter O and symmedian point K of a triangle DeltaABC as ...
A class of complete orientable minimal surfaces of R^3 derived from Enneper's minimal surface. They are named for the mathematicians who found the first two examples in 1982. ...
A portion of a disk whose upper boundary is a (circular) arc and whose lower boundary is a chord making a central angle theta<pi radians (180 degrees), illustrated above as ...
The confocal ellipsoidal coordinates, called simply "ellipsoidal coordinates" by Morse and Feshbach (1953) and "elliptic coordinates" by Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen (1999, p. ...
There are no fewer than three distinct notions of curve throughout mathematics. In topology, a curve is a one-dimensional continuum (Charatonik and Prajs 2001). In algebraic ...
A cyclide is a pair of focal conics which are the envelopes of two one-parameter families of spheres, sometimes also called a cyclid. The cyclide is a quartic surface, and ...
A cylindrical segment, sometimes also called a truncated cylinder, is the solid cut from a circular cylinder by two (or more) planes. If there are two cutting planes, one ...
Let the elliptic modulus k satisfy 0<k^2<1. (This may also be written in terms of the parameter m=k^2 or modular angle alpha=sin^(-1)k.) The incomplete elliptic integral of ...
Let E_1(x) be the En-function with n=1, E_1(x) = int_1^infty(e^(-tx)dt)/t (1) = int_x^infty(e^(-u)du)/u. (2) Then define the exponential integral Ei(x) by E_1(x)=-Ei(-x), (3) ...
A Fermat pseudoprime to a base a, written psp(a), is a composite number n such that a^(n-1)=1 (mod n), i.e., it satisfies Fermat's little theorem. Sometimes the requirement ...
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