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The beta function B(p,q) is the name used by Legendre and Whittaker and Watson (1990) for the beta integral (also called the Eulerian integral of the first kind). It is ...
The Cauchy principal value of a finite integral of a function f about a point c with a<=c<=b is given by ...
The complex conjugate of a complex number z=a+bi is defined to be z^_=a-bi. (1) The conjugate matrix of a matrix A=(a_(ij)) is the matrix obtained by replacing each element ...
The divergence of a vector field F, denoted div(F) or del ·F (the notation used in this work), is defined by a limit of the surface integral del ·F=lim_(V->0)(∮_SF·da)/V (1) ...
Eigenvalues are a special set of scalars associated with a linear system of equations (i.e., a matrix equation) that are sometimes also known as characteristic roots, ...
The class of all regular sequences of particularly well-behaved functions equivalent to a given regular sequence. A distribution is sometimes also called a "generalized ...
The scalar form of Laplace's equation is the partial differential equation del ^2psi=0, (1) where del ^2 is the Laplacian. Note that the operator del ^2 is commonly written ...
Nonstandard analysis is a branch of mathematical logic which introduces hyperreal numbers to allow for the existence of "genuine infinitesimals," which are numbers that are ...
Five or six Wolf prizes are awarded yearly to outstanding living scientists and artists for achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples. In ...
The q-analog of the Pochhammer symbol defined by (a;q)_k={product_(j=0)^(k-1)(1-aq^j) if k>0; 1 if k=0; product_(j=1)^(|k|)(1-aq^(-j))^(-1) if k<0; ...
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