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Given any set B, the associated pair groupoid is the set B×B with the maps alpha(a,b)=a and beta(a,b)=b, and multiplication (a,b)·(b,c)=(a,c). The inverse is ...
Given an amicable pair (m,n), the quantity sigma(m) = sigma(n) (1) = =s(m)+s(n) (2) = m+n (3) is called the pair sum, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and s(n) is the ...
Given two paired sets X_i and Y_i of n measured values, the paired t-test determines whether they differ from each other in a significant way under the assumptions that the ...
A pairing function is a function that reversibly maps Z^*×Z^* onto Z^*, where Z^*={0,1,2,...} denotes nonnegative integers. Pairing functions arise naturally in the ...
The term pairwise refers to taking all unordered 2-subsets of a given set. For example, the pairwise products of the set {a,b,c} are ab, ac, and bc.
The Paley class of a positive integer m=0 (mod 4) is defined as the set of all possible quadruples (k,e,q,n) where m=2^e(q^n+1), (1) q is an odd prime, and k={0 if q=0; 1 if ...
Hadamard matrices H_n can be constructed using finite field GF(p^m) when p=4l-1 and m is odd. Pick a representation r relatively prime to p. Then by coloring white ...
The Paley graph of order q with q a prime power is a graph on q nodes with two nodes adjacent if their difference is a square in the finite field GF(q). This graph is ...
Proved in 1933. If q is an odd prime or q=0 and n is any positive integer, then there is a Hadamard matrix of order m=2^e(q^n+1), where e is any positive integer such that ...
A palindromic number is a number (in some base b) that is the same when written forwards or backwards, i.e., of the form a_1a_2...a_2a_1. The first few palindromic numbers ...
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