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Machin-like formulas have the form mcot^(-1)u+ncot^(-1)v=1/4kpi, (1) where u, v, and k are positive integers and m and n are nonnegative integers. Some such formulas can be ...
Roughly speaking, the metric tensor g_(ij) is a function which tells how to compute the distance between any two points in a given space. Its components can be viewed as ...
In his last letter to Hardy, Ramanujan defined 17 Jacobi theta function-like functions F(q) with |q|<1 which he called "mock theta functions" (Watson 1936ab, Ramanujan 1988, ...
The Möbius strip, also called the twisted cylinder (Henle 1994, p. 110), is a one-sided nonorientable surface obtained by cutting a closed band into a single strip, giving ...
Multiply all the digits of a number n by each other, repeating with the product until a single digit is obtained. The number of steps required is known as the multiplicative ...
A number is said to be simply normal to base b if its base-b expansion has each digit appearing with average frequency tending to b^(-1). A normal number is an irrational ...
A parabola (plural "parabolas"; Gray 1997, p. 45) is the set of all points in the plane equidistant from a given line L (the conic section directrix) and a given point F not ...
Convergents of the pi continued fractions are the simplest approximants to pi. The first few are given by 3, 22/7, 333/106, 355/113, 103993/33102, 104348/33215, ... (OEIS ...
A Pisot number is a positive algebraic integer greater than 1 all of whose conjugate elements have absolute value less than 1. A real quadratic algebraic integer greater than ...
A graph is planar if it can be drawn in a plane without graph edges crossing (i.e., it has graph crossing number 0). The number of planar graphs with n=1, 2, ... nodes are 1, ...
