Search Results for "order cost"
491 - 500 of 1395 for order costSearch Results

A cyclic pentagon is a not necessarily regular pentagon on whose polygon vertices a circle may be circumscribed. Let such a pentagon have edge lengths a_1, ..., a_5, and area ...
The general nonhomogeneous differential equation is given by x^2(d^2y)/(dx^2)+alphax(dy)/(dx)+betay=S(x), (1) and the homogeneous equation is x^2y^('')+alphaxy^'+betay=0 (2) ...
The Feit-Thompson conjecture asserts that there are no primes p and q for which (p^q-1)/(p-1) and (q^p-1)/(q-1) have a common factor. Parker noticed that if this were true, ...
A root-finding algorithm also known as the tangent hyperbolas method or Halley's rational formula. As in Halley's irrational formula, take the second-order Taylor series ...
The tangent space at a point p in an abstract manifold M can be described without the use of embeddings or coordinate charts. The elements of the tangent space are called ...
n vectors X_1, X_2, ..., X_n are linearly dependent iff there exist scalars c_1, c_2, ..., c_n, not all zero, such that sum_(i=1)^nc_iX_i=0. (1) If no such scalars exist, ...
Let A={a_1,a_2,...} be a free Abelian semigroup, where a_1 is the identity element, and let mu(n) be the Möbius function. Define mu(a_n) on the elements of the semigroup ...
A second-order partial differential equation of the form Hr+2Ks+Lt+M+N(rt-s^2)=0, (1) where H, K, L, M, and N are functions of x, y, z, p, and q, and r, s, t, p, and q are ...
A monotonic matrix of order n is an n×n matrix in which every element is either 0 or contains a number from the set {1,...,n} subject to the conditions 1. The filled-in ...
Relationships between the number of singularities of plane algebraic curves. Given a plane curve, m = n(n-1)-2delta-3kappa (1) n = m(m-1)-2tau-3iota (2) iota = ...