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Trigonometric functions of npi/9 radians for n an integer not divisible by 3 (e.g., 40 degrees and 80 degrees) cannot be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root ...
The trigyrate rhombicosidodecahedron is a convex equilateral solid obtained by rotating three of the pentagonal cupolas of a small rhombicosidodecahedron by 1/10 of a turn ...
A triple of three arbitrary vectors with common vertex (Altshiller-Court 1979), often called a trihedral angle since it determines three planes. The vectors are often taken ...
Consider the solid enclosed by the three hyperboloids specified by the inequalities x^2+y^2-z^2 <= 1 (1) y^2+z^2-x^2 <= 1 (2) z^2+x^2-y^2 <= 1. (3) This work dubs this solid ...
Given a reference triangle DeltaABC, the trilinear coordinates of a point P with respect to DeltaABC are an ordered triple of numbers, each of which is proportional to the ...
A line can be specified in trilinear coordinates by parameters (l,m,n) such that the trilinear coordinates alpha:beta:gamma obey lalpha+mbeta+ngamma=0. (1) The trilinear line ...
Given a triangle center X=l:m:n, the line mnalpha+nlbeta+lmgamma=0, where alpha:beta:gamma are trilinear coordinates, is called the trilinear polar (Kimberling 1998, p. 38). ...
Given a line having trilinear coordinate equation lalpha+mbeta+ngamma=0 with respect to a reference triangle DeltaABC, the point mn:nl:lm is called the trilinear pole of the ...
The trilinear quotient of two points p:q:r and u:v:w is the point p/u:q/v:r/w.
Given a reference triangle DeltaABC, the trilinear vertex matrix of another triangle DeltaA^'B^'C^' is the 3×3 matrix whose rows are the trilinear coordinates of the vertices ...
