Consider the solid enclosed by the three hyperboloids specified by the inequalities
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This work dubs this solid the "trihyperboloid."
The basic shape of the trihyperbolid is that of a stella octangula with a "web" hung across adjacent faces.
The surface area of the trihyperboloid is given by
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(OEIS A347903), where denotes the real part of
. The surface area can be given as a complicated
(but likely simplifyable) closed-form expression based on evaluation of the integral
in terms of natural logarithms, dilogarithms, and trigamma functions (E. Weisstein Sep. 15-20, 2021).
Knill (2017) proposed as a challenge to Harvard summer school students that they prove that the volume was equal to . The problem was solved by student Runze Li, who
gave the solution in terms of the mysterious integral
A more straightforward analysis was given by Villarino and Várilly (2021), who showed that
are the volumes of the two tetrahedra with common
, and
and apices
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Plugging in the values for ,
, and
then gives the expected result
(OEIS A257872).