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A category consists of three things: a collection of objects, for each pair of objects a collection of morphisms (sometimes call "arrows") from one to another, and a binary ...
The circumcenter of mass is a concept that can be defined by analogy with one of the the constructions for the geometric centroid for the case of polygons. The geometric ...
Clausen's integral, sometimes called the log sine integral (Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 88) is the n=2 case of the S_2 Clausen function Cl_2(theta) = ...
The cochleoid, whose name means "snail-form" in Latin, was first considered by John Perks as referenced in Wallis et al. (1699). The cochleoid has also been called the oui-ja ...
Coding theory, sometimes called algebraic coding theory, deals with the design of error-correcting codes for the reliable transmission of information across noisy channels. ...
A composite number n is a positive integer n>1 which is not prime (i.e., which has factors other than 1 and itself). The first few composite numbers (sometimes called ...
A complete set of mutually conjugate group elements. Each element in a group belongs to exactly one class, and the identity element (I=1) is always in its own class. The ...
The connected domination number of a connected graph G, denoted d(G), is the size of a minimum connected dominating set of a graph G. The maximum leaf number l(G) and ...
The Conway-Smith graph is a distance-transitive graph on 63 vertices having intersection array {10,6,4,1;1,2,6,10} (Hall 1980). It is also distance-transitive. It is denoted ...
A plot in the complex plane of the points B(t)=S(t)+iC(t), (1) where S(t) and C(t) are the Fresnel integrals (von Seggern 2007, p. 210; Gray 1997, p. 65). The Cornu spiral is ...
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