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The scalar curvature, also called the "curvature scalar" (e.g., Weinberg 1972, p. 135; Misner et al. 1973, p. 222) or "Ricci scalar," is given by R=g^(mukappa)R_(mukappa), ...
The Weyl tensor is the tensor C_(abcd) defined by R_(abcd)=C_(abcd)+2/(n-2)(g_(a[c)R_d]b-g_(b[c)R_(d]a)) -2/((n-1)(n-2))Rg_(a[c)g_(d]b), (1) where R_(abcd) is the Riemann ...
The Penrose tiles are a pair of shapes that tile the plane only aperiodically (when the markings are constrained to match at borders). These two tiles, illustrated above, are ...
Let V be an n-dimensional linear space over a field K, and let Q be a quadratic form on V. A Clifford algebra is then defined over T(V)/I(Q), where T(V) is the tensor algebra ...
A New Kind of Science is a seminal work on simple programs by Stephen Wolfram. In 1980, Wolfram's studies found unexpected behavior in a collection of simple computer ...
Universal algebra studies common properties of all algebraic structures, including groups, rings, fields, lattices, etc. A universal algebra is a pair A=(A,(f_i^A)_(i in I)), ...
A contravariant tensor is a tensor having specific transformation properties (cf., a covariant tensor). To examine the transformation properties of a contravariant tensor, ...
A covariant tensor, denoted with a lowered index (e.g., a_mu) is a tensor having specific transformation properties. In general, these transformation properties differ from ...
Calabi-Yau spaces are important in string theory, where one model posits the geometry of the universe to consist of a ten-dimensional space of the form M×V, where M is a four ...
A Chaitin's constant, also called a Chaitin omega number, introduced by Chaitin (1975), is the halting probability of a universal prefix-free (self-delimiting) Turing ...
