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"Escher's solid" is the solid illustrated on the right pedestal in M. C. Escher's Waterfall woodcut (Bool et al. 1982, p. 323). It is obtained by augmenting a rhombic ...
One of the three standard tori given by the parametric equations x = a(1+cosv)cosu (1) y = a(1+cosv)sinu (2) z = asinv, (3) corresponding to the torus with a=c. It has ...
A spherical ring is a sphere with a cylindrical hole cut so that the centers of the cylinder and sphere coincide, also called a napkin ring. Let the sphere have radius R and ...
There are two incompatible definitions of the squircle. The first defines the squircle as the quartic plane curve which is special case of the superellipse with a=b and r=4, ...
The ten-of-diamonds decahedron is a stereohedron and space-filling polyhedron on 8 vertices, 16 edges, and 10 faces (8 of which are non-equilateral triangles and two of which ...
The trapezo-rhombic dodecahedron, also called the rhombo-trapezoidal dodecahedron, is a general dodecahedron consisting of six identical rhombi and six identical isosceles ...
An nth-rank tensor in m-dimensional space is a mathematical object that has n indices and m^n components and obeys certain transformation rules. Each index of a tensor ranges ...
The Roman surface, also called the Steiner surface (not to be confused with the class of Steiner surfaces of which the Roman surface is a particular case), is a quartic ...
The small triambic icosahedron is the dual polyhedron of the small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron with Maeder index 30 (Maeder 1997), Weinninger index 70 (Wenninger 1971, p. ...
A (finite, circular) conical surface is a ruled surface created by fixing one end of a line segment at a point (known as the vertex or apex of the cone) and sweeping the ...
