Search Results for "eulerstotienttheorem.html"
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To solve the system of differential equations (dx)/(dt)=Ax(t)+p(t), (1) where A is a matrix and x and p are vectors, first consider the homogeneous case with p=0. The ...
An ordinary double point of a plane curve is point where a curve intersects itself such that two branches of the curve have distinct tangent lines. Ordinary double points of ...
Given an arrangement of points, a line containing just two of them is called an ordinary line. Dirac (1951) conjectured that every sufficiently set of n noncollinear points ...
A point which lies on at least one ordinary line is called an ordinary point, or sometimes a regular point.
A surface which is homeomorphic to a finite collection of spheres, each with a finite number of handles, cross-handles, cross-caps, and perforations. A preliminary version of ...
The y- (vertical) coordinate of a point in a two dimensional coordinate system. Physicists and astronomers sometimes use the term to refer to the axis itself instead of the ...
Ore algebra is an algebra of noncommutative polynomials representing linear operators for functional equations such as linear differential or difference equations. Ore ...
An Ore graph is a graph that satisfies Ore's theorem, i.e., a graph G for which the sums of the degrees of nonadjacent vertices is greater than or equal to the number of ...
Define the harmonic mean of the divisors of n H(n)=(sigma_0(n))/(sum_(d|n)1/d), where sigma_0(n) is the divisor function (the number of divisors of n). For n=1, 2, ..., the ...
If a graph G has n graph vertices such that every pair of the n graph vertices which are not joined by a graph edge has a sum of valences which is >=n, then G is Hamiltonian. ...