
Ordinary Differential Equation--System with Constant Coefficients

To solve the system of differential equations


where A is a matrix and x and p are vectors, first consider the homogeneous case with p=0. The solutions to


are given by


But, by the eigen decomposition theorem, the matrix exponential can be written as


where the eigenvector matrix is

 u=[u_1 ... u_n]

and the eigenvalue matrix is

 D=[e^(lambda_1t) 0 ... 0; 0 e^(lambda_2t) ... 0; | | ... 0; 0 0 ... e^(lambda_nt)].

Now consider

=[u_(11) u_(12) ... u_(1n); u_(21) u_(22) ... u_(2n); | | ... |; u_(n1) u_(n2) ... u_(nn)][e^(lambda_1t) 0 ...  0; 0 e^(lambda_2t) ... 0 ; | | ... 0 ; 0 0 ... e^(lambda_nt) ]
=[u_(11)e^(lambda_1t) ... u_(1n)e^(lambda_nt); u_(21)e^(lambda_1t) ... u_(2n)e^(lambda_nt); | ... |; u_(n1)e^(lambda_1t) ... u_(nn)e^(lambda_nt)].

The individual solutions are then


so the homogeneous solution is


where the c_is are arbitrary constants.

The general procedure is therefore

1. Find the eigenvalues of the matrix A (lambda_1, ..., lambda_n) by solving the characteristic equation.

2. Determine the corresponding eigenvectors u_1, ..., u_n.

3. Compute


for i=1, ..., n. Then the vectors x_i which are real are solutions to the homogeneous equation. If A is a 2×2 matrix, the complex vectors x_j correspond to real solutions to the homogeneous equation given by R[x_j] and I[x_j].

4. If the equation is nonhomogeneous, find the particular solution given by


where the matrix X is defined by

 X(t)=[x_1 ... x_n].

If the equation is homogeneous so that p(t)=0, then look for a solution of the form


This leads to an equation


so xi is an eigenvector and lambda an eigenvalue.

5. The general solution is


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Weisstein, Eric W. "Ordinary Differential Equation--System with Constant Coefficients." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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