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The Hankel functions of the first kind are defined as H_n^((1))(z)=J_n(z)+iY_n(z), (1) where J_n(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind and Y_n(z) is a Bessel function of ...
A simple function is a finite sum sum_(i)a_ichi_(A_i), where the functions chi_(A_i) are characteristic functions on a set A. Another description of a simple function is a ...
By analogy with the sinc function, define the tanc function by tanc(z)={(tanz)/z for z!=0; 1 for z=0. (1) Since tanz/z is not a cardinal function, the "analogy" with the sinc ...
An apodization function, also called the Hann function, frequently used to reduce leakage in discrete Fourier transforms. The illustrations above show the Hanning function, ...
By analogy with the sinc function, define the sinhc function by sinhc(z)={(sinhz)/z for z!=0; 1 for z=0. (1) Since sinhx/x is not a cardinal function, the "analogy" with the ...
An Artin L-function over the rationals Q encodes in a generating function information about how an irreducible monic polynomial over Z factors when reduced modulo each prime. ...
Let g:R->R be a function and let h>0, and define the cardinal series of g with respect to the interval h as the formal series sum_(k=-infty)^inftyg(kh)sinc((x-kh)/h), where ...
The distribution function D(x), also called the cumulative distribution function (CDF) or cumulative frequency function, describes the probability that a variate X takes on a ...
The Hurwitz zeta function zeta(s,a) is a generalization of the Riemann zeta function zeta(s) that is also known as the generalized zeta function. It is classically defined by ...
A number theoretic function is a function whose domain is the set of positive integers.
