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The dimension e(G), also called the Euclidean dimension (e.g., Buckley and Harary 1988) of a graph, is the smallest dimension n of Euclidean n-space in which G can be ...
Let A be an n×n real square matrix with n>=2 such that |sum_(i=1)^nsum_(j=1)^na_(ij)s_it_j|<=1 (1) for all real numbers s_1, s_2, ..., s_n and t_1, t_2, ..., t_n such that ...
In celestial mechanics, the fixed path a planet traces as it moves around the sun is called an orbit. When a group G acts on a set X (this process is called a group action), ...
A hex number, also called a centered hexagonal number, is given by H_n = 1+6T_n (1) = 3n^2+3n+1, (2) where T_n=n(n+1)/2 is the nth triangular number and the indexing with ...
In hexagonal close packing, layers of spheres are packed so that spheres in alternating layers overlie one another. As in cubic close packing, each sphere is surrounded by 12 ...
The homotopy groups generalize the fundamental group to maps from higher dimensional spheres, instead of from the circle. The nth homotopy group of a topological space X is ...
The radius of a polygon's incircle or of a polyhedron's insphere, denoted r or sometimes rho (Johnson 1929). A polygon possessing an incircle is same to be inscriptable or ...
A regularly spaced array of points in a square array, i.e., points with coordinates (m,n,...), where m, n, ... are integers. Such an array is often called a grid or mesh, and ...
If f(z) is analytic throughout the annular region between and on the concentric circles K_1 and K_2 centered at z=a and of radii r_1 and r_2<r_1 respectively, then there ...
There are two sets of constants that are commonly known as Lebesgue constants. The first is related to approximation of function via Fourier series, which the other arises in ...
