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A modified spherical Bessel function of the second kind, also called a "spherical modified Bessel function of the first kind" (Arfken 1985) or (regrettably) a "modified ...
L_nu(z) = (1/2z)^(nu+1)sum_(k=0)^(infty)((1/2z)^(2k))/(Gamma(k+3/2)Gamma(k+nu+3/2)) (1) = (2(1/2z)^nu)/(sqrt(pi)Gamma(nu+1/2))int_0^(pi/2)sinh(zcostheta)sin^(2nu)thetadtheta, ...
The perspective image of an infinite checkerboard. It can be constructed starting from any triangle DeltaOXY, where OX and OY form the near corner of the floor, and XY is the ...
The moment of inertia with respect to a given axis of a solid body with density rho(r) is defined by the volume integral I=intrho(r)r__|_^2dV, (1) where r__|_ is the ...
A monomial is a product of positive integer powers of a fixed set of variables (possibly) together with a coefficient, e.g., x, 3xy^2, or -2x^2y^3z. A monomial can also be ...
Any method which solves a problem by generating suitable random numbers and observing that fraction of the numbers obeying some property or properties. The method is useful ...
The moth graph is the 6-vertex graph illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["MothGraph"].
The multicomputational paradigm is a generalization of the computational paradigm to many computational threads of time. In the ordinary computational paradigm, time ...
For n a positive integer, expressions of the form sin(nx), cos(nx), and tan(nx) can be expressed in terms of sinx and cosx only using the Euler formula and binomial theorem. ...
Multiple edges are two or more edges connecting the same two vertices within a multigraph. Multiple edges of degree d_(ij) between vertex i and vertex j correspond to an ...
